
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Oh no. That did NOT just happen.

I got up this morning at a decent time. I know this because I had time to shave my neglected legs in the shower.  I knew what I was going to wear last night because we have to go to an awards ceremony today and boss man wanted us all to wear our Special Olympics Volunteer shirts like good little boys and girls. *gag me with a rusty spoon*  So I get my clothes on, pull my hair back, spray the smell good on (today's fragrance is Clinique Happy) and decided that I needed to just do my makeup at work (like usual).  I already had a bag in my back pack with my stuff in it, just needed to throw my MAC Moon's Reflection in there.  I got all the way to work and realized that I didn't put a darker color like, Print, in my bag.  Damn it to hell and back on greased lightning!!!!!! So now, my plans for a new color scheme on my face are shot to shit and it's annoying me that I have to be up that early anyway because I DON'T THINK STRAIGHT BEFORE 7 AM!!!!!  (It was about 5 when I got out of the shower...)

Anywhoo...So on my way home last night I stopped in at Compass Trading Co.  It's kind of like a Sam Moon  or a Charming Charlie's.  Fun, cute, and relatively inexpensive jewelry, handbags, luggage and accessories.  I picked up a few more pairs of earrings and this super cute wallet with a fleur de lis on it.  As I used to live an hour outside of New Orleans and recently visited there, the fleur de lis has once again become a favorite.  So in the spirit of my past and liking it now in the future, I purchased this WAY cute wallet thingy:

Too cute, right? And for $14.99, it was mine.

Mr. G and I continue to text...

Mr Italian and I continue to talk as well though...I'm lost and so confused as to what to do about him.  See, when we talk and text, it's so easy for me to start to wonder what it would be like this time around if we got back together.  He's never even met Monkey but already loves him because he is mine. And there is not a doubt in my mind, not even a shadow of a doubt that he would be a good father figure should he become, once again, my significant other.  And that is probably more important than how he would treat me.  I'm an adult woman. I could handle it if he didn't treat me well (I'd handle him right out the door!)  But to not treat my son well...Dude, you better head on down the road and I ain't playin'.  And he has reiterated that he loves me and always has...he even confessed that he thought of me at times when he was with his exgf (the one he was with for like, 7 years). I asked him why they didn't get married. He said aside from the fact that she cheated on him, he knew he wasn't with who he was supposed to be with.  That, he says, being me. He says that he is positive, POSITIVE, that I am the one he is supposed to settle down with and that if having me means that Monkey is also in the picture...that he is just fine with that too and welcomes the role as a father figure to Monkey. 

Mr. Italian cannot have children. I won't go into why but knowing that he can't often leads him to be more affectionate (not in a creepy pedophile kind of way) towards his friends' kids and he likes to spoil them with whatever they want.  Don't worry,...he and I have had the "don't spoil my kid because I have to live with him" talk.  And if I say no to something, it means no because I'm the parent.  He hates that but respects it.  LOL  Conflicted.  Conflicted because he lives so far away and it's too easy. Don't tell me you love me. Show me.  The men in my past have taught me how to say 'if".  IF we get back together, IF we get married, IF, IF, IF!!!!  Stop it with the IF's!!  SHOW me!  Show me that you love me. Show me that you care enough to say vows to me and accept mine and hold them dear and close to your heart. Show me that you'd rather cut off every extremity that you have before you would break them.  SHOW ME!

Just so that I can spread this wealth of side splitting funniness (is that a word?), you need to head over to Red Means Go and read her Duck Face post.  It made me laugh but you have to watch the video!!!  It's got some language in it but beyond funny and SO true.

One of these days I'll have everything figured out.  I'll be dead, but I'll have it all figured out.  lol



  1. So friggin' hilarious about having everything figured out by the time you're dead. Mr. Italian sounds like an interesting character. Nothing is perfect in this world unfortunately. Thanks for the blog lovin'. *MUAH* :)

  2. Annah: No problem hun. I enjoy a good laugh! I decided I should prolly follow you so I don't miss anything. Us ninjas gotta stick together. It's a dog-eat-ninja world!

  3. Duck face- Didn't laugh my ass off *prolly cuz my lazy ass just woke up and I'm boring when I first wake up =( * but it's so true! Why DO we do duck face? So silly!
