
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hurry UP already!!!

I get off work at 4:30 everyday.  It's 5 minutes to 4 right now and I'm:  1) bored out of my skull, 2) tired as all get out, 3) ready to head on down the road. 

I have made these promises to myself (Today. Within the last 5 minutes...):

- I WILL make it for another 30 minutes without face planting my desk and severely burning my face with the coffee I am attempting to intake in hopes to battle the afternoon sludge that has taken over my brain and eyelids.

- I WILL go to bed early tonight no matter how tempting that t.v. show is that dad might be watching, or how nice it would be to start another book.

- I WILL get my LAZY ass out of bed in the morning and make it do Day 1 of the 30 Day Shred DVD I bought and haven't done at all yet.

- I WILL get that last load of laundry done today when I get home and get it off my floor in hopes that my blood pressure will resume it's normal level...

- I WILL make sure that Monkey has the things that he needs for daycare put into a bag and ready for transport in the morning because I went retarded and completely spaced and didn't send them with him this morning...shame on me.

-Tomorrow, I WILL clean up this office and get it ready for a fresh coat of paint on the walls.  It's disgusting in here and I can't handle it cramps my creative style...and that ain't gonna fly anymore.

- I WILL stop "snacking" so much and making myself feel like a cow all day.  Bovine graze. I shall not anymore.  Drink more water, heffer.

- I WILL attempt to not screw myself and dip into the $300 dollars that I threw into my savings account yesterday in hopes to recover from my frivolous spending habits lately. No Gracie, you really don't need that new Droid phone, suck it up and wait your time out for an upgrade!

- I WILL stop looking at that stupid clock every thirty seconds in hopes that the hands have miraculously moved 5 more minutes in my favor. Gosh!  Hurry UP already!!!

I'm ready to pick Monkey up from daycare and kiss his chubby little cheeks!! I'm also ready to get into my X and blare the radio while singing at the tops of my lungs while getting to the daycare.  LOL  Think, obnoxious.  20 minutes down and about 15 to go.  That should give me enough time to gather my things and make a pit-stop in the ladies room before hittin' the road... Nice. 

If you hit traffic on the way home as I most often do, stay safe and blog at ya later!


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