
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Oh, and one more thing...

I forgot to mention that I have a consult with an ENT doctor on Tuesday. Not sure if y'all have been paying a whole lot of attention to it but I have been in a constant state of sickness with varying degrees of severity for around 3+ months. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. Christmas Eve of this year...scratch that. Christmas Eve of 2010, so last month, I found myself in the ER coughing so badly that I was unable to catch my breath for more than 2-3 minutes before I would go into another coughing fit. And when I say coughing, I mean COUGHING (so hard that my rib cage hurt and I puked a few times..yeah. Ew.). They put me on Erythromycin (sp?), a cough syrup that was basically Robitussin with Codeine, and also an Albuterol inhaler.

The antibiotic they gave me is for 14 days. Four days past the normal 10 that they usually put you on. I noted that. The ER doc also looked into my record and saw that I had been in the ER specifically for similar respiratory and throat issues over the last few months and decided that I warranted a consult with the ENT. Well, no shit!!!!  So, with those four things in hand, I made my way home where I properly dosed myself with the medications provided and attempted to enjoy my Christmas holiday with family. Mission accomplished.  Even though I had made an appointment to see my primary physician, I was not able to get in until 11JAN. I tried my best to suck it up, but my body had other plans.

Here is what I want: I want that ENT to tell me that my tonsils need to come out. No. I'm serious. These stupid things have been swollen and painful for far too long and when I can't lay on my pillow without those damn things blocking my airway...take them suckers OUT!! I'm ok with it. Really.  I will gladly take a few days off of work to recoup if they will just get rid of them for me.  Otherwise, I am left with my own devices. I'd rather not find out what happens then.  ;)


1 comment:

  1. I'm postitive I wouldn't be so cool about someone taking something away from me - you MUST feel awful :+(

    Hugs and kisses from H-Town.
