
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dear Mr. Right

Dear Mr. Right,

It's me, your missing Miss Right. I'm writing this letter because I'm becoming less confident that I will find you. I've been looking for you for a really long time, but you are so darned elusive!  I'll bet I could find a two-headed, purple and gold speckled, skinny hippopotamus before I'll find you.  Silly. I know. But still... 

I'm also writing this letter to tell you that I don't even know you yet, but I miss you in my life. I have a good life and a good family that I can't wait to introduce you to. We have a lot to catch up on and I want to hear all about your life before we met.  I'm looking forward to finding out what you look like, what your voice sounds like, and how my hands fit into yours.  I have a son that is just the light of my life and I can't wait for you to meet him too and see why we think he is so darn cool! 

So far, it's been a long hard road and I'm tired and weary. I have made some bad choices in the men (read: boys) that I have chosen to get involved with and they have done things to me that I know that you never would. I've taken everything in stride and have stumbled some, but my scraped knees are healed and I don't want to walk through my life alone anymore, because let me tell ya, it is SO not fun. Every rock I've tripped over, and every rut I've fallen into has made me more understanding of what and who I am. I'm not perfect. But I'm a work in progress and I know that you are too. I'm going to drive you crazy and you'll wonder why women are so strange but take heart in knowing that I won't do it on purpose and that because of that, you'll love me even more.

All my quirks aside, you'll also take heart in knowing that I've never cheated in my entire life and that God has waiting for you, an awesome and faithful woman. He's made sure that I will find reasons to fall in love with you over and over because I'm capable of looking for those reasons. I hate not having you to go home to and tell you about my day. And I hate not curling up next you to watch movie or go to sleep at night. I hate that you aren't here to laugh and joke with and lighten up my day, or to wipe away my tears when I'm in the depths of and emotional storm.  I hate that you aren't here to tell me I'm being irrational in the way only you will be able to, and it makes me sad that until we meet, you will miss out on so many good things that will happen to me in my life.

On the same note, I know that I am missing out on things and events in your life too. Are you graduating college? Are you starting a business? Have you even decided on what you want to do? Are you comfortable where you are? How old are you today? What have you fallen short of and need my gentle push to get you back on track with? Have you missed my laugh and hugs as much as I've missed yours? Do you even know that I am who is missing when you wonder what that ache is?  And are you just as tired of hearing people say that you are out there as I am?!

Some days I wonder if He forgot about me when he was making matches for other people. Is that true, do you think? Have I written this letter to no one?  That brings tears to my eyes to even think that. I want to be wrong about that. Wherever you are, I'm right here. And though semi-patient, it's only because I'm so excited to finally meet you and find out what I've been missing for so long. :)  I hope you are safe. I hope that wherever you are, that you are loved and respected. And when He thinks we are ready, I'll still be right here.

Missing you,



  1. Deep breath, leave it in God's hands... he has the right one for you...

  2. Sorry to hear you sound so down - tired - fed up - waiting - I wish I could give you a big hug right now. Just know we are all on Gods time and he must have something amazing planned for you dear...
