
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Why so seriousssssss?

I am guilty of taking myself WAY too seriously.  I need to lighten up and joke around more.  Maybe I can change this about myself. I love people who can laugh and joke at their own expense and crave their company.  I've been known to do it, and thus I know I am capable, but for myself and my very own sanity (what's left of it at least) I'd like to make an attempt at doing it more often.  Maybe Gracie is hiding somewhere in that realm of my subconscious existence... I really need to find her again. 

*Note to self: Make a page that reflects what I want for myself. A list of everything I want to accomplish in the next 6-12 months... Add to it when needed and make note of accomplishments. Start small and short term...gotta start somewhere.*

This will be available for viewing soon...

Other than getting my hair dyed, trimmed and bangs cut in (since I decided to hang up the chicken shitedness and just do it, hair grows back anyway) and REALLY liking my new look...there is nothing else really to report.  But today has a feeling about it...I think it's going to be a really good day...  There's no telling what's gonna happen, but it feels good today.  We'll just have to wait and see!!! 

Hope your day is wonderful and full of goodness...


P.s.  When I just spell checked this post, the word "shitedness" was the only one to register as a misspelled word...LOL!!! I thought that was funny!


  1. you're awesome :) and you must RE-HE-HEALLY crave my company lol

  2. I think your a great person and it's funny that you say that you crave their company, because I love to talk to you and to read your blog. You always make me laugh and I think you do laugh at yourself. Some of us who have been handed the chore or blessing of being a single parent, I mean a 24/7 single parent tend to take things way more seriously. We are the ones who have to make things happen for our kids and make sure they grow up to be respectiable adults. Its not easy and sometimes very stressful. Hang in there girl you can do it.

  3. Dear Anonymous,thank you very much for those words of encouragement and understanding. It CAN be difficult at times and unless you're a single parent yourself, others have no idea just how well thay have it made. I'm getting better at it and Monkey is becoming so much more fun!!
