
Monday, August 9, 2010

I hate you much.

I know that I should probably wake up every morning and thank the Lord that He has given me yet another day on this earth...*sigh* but I am really sick of Mondays.  Like, REALLY sick of them.  It's the one day out of the week that my pillow is my life raft to the weekend that passed too quickly, the sheets and covers are the ocean of dreams and peaceful (not always as I still manage, as an adult even, to have quite a few nightmares) non-waking moments that beg me to stay...and then there is Monday.  Monday knows I hate it's guts.  I tell it all the time...  Trust me. Monday know there is no amount of coffee large or hot enough to drown my Monday sorrows in.  Stupid jerk wins all the time.  Scoff.

Also, I feel I should make this public service announcement...
Whoever left a half eaten cheesecake (as in left several slices up for grabs) and two Moon Pies in the break room (also up for grabs) is no friend of mine.  I'm ok if it's unopened, undisturbed, and otherwise unadulterated because I will NOT be the Miss Piggy to make the first move at demolition. I don't eat cheesecake.  Not because I don't like it.  Oh no, it ain't's cause I will sit and eat an entire cake in one sitting if given the chance.  And Moon Pie's? I am addicted to those.  Another thing I refuse to go out of my way to get for myself...otherwise they go straight to my ass.  But I snagged one...  (Miss T, if you are reading this right now, know that if you come into my office and try to take it away from me, I will bite the arm you make your attempt with all the way up to the shoulder. You have been warned ma'am.)

Ok. So this weekend was great and just what I needed. I've got a long road of getting over Mr. NRN ahead of me, and some other stuff on my mind and a weekend with family and friends was right up my alley. Saturday morning, my mom and I went kayaking and that afternoon some friends of mine came to see us from up around the Ft. Worth area. Then, on Sunday, we had a house full of family for a joint birthday supper.  Steak and taters. Can't beat that!!!!

More later...


1 comment:

  1. Oooh the weekend kayaking sounds fun, fun now I want to go :-)
