Ok. So here’s the deal. They moved me at work. When I was originally hired here, I was hired for night crew. Well, we basically worked ourselves off a crew but instead of sending us to the house, they decided to keep us all and place us where needed. I’m not a mechanic. I’m a Productions Control Clerk. I do administrative and clerical stuff. Since leaving my original work center, this will be the third time they’ve bounced me around. And the worst, yet.The last area I was in, I had my own office with a closeable door. That was the most important part. I could shut the world out if I needed to focus on something or just didn’t want to hear the most annoying of all voices (and there were 3 of them over there) standing out in the hallway having conversations that reminded me of 3 four year olds bickering over who was gonna get the bendy straw.
Anyway, I am now in a room and have my own little patch of floor. Seriously. No door. And I’m working with people that are very dry. Maybe it’s just that they are still trying to feel me out and figure out who I am before they say something, but it makes for a very…strange day. Oh well. There’s a possibility that I will be moving again here in a few weeks, count 6 or so, to another area. I’m kind of REALLY hoping for that. It would give me a change of personnel, change of supervisor, and change of atmosphere. I’m pro for all three. I’ll keep you posted.Last night as well as the night before, Monkey woke up and was extremely fussy. He was up around 2:30 both mornings and stayed up whining, literally, until around 3:30-40. Um. My alarm clock is set for 4. Needless to say, I have snoozed all the way until 5-5:30 both mornings which put me in DEFCON5 status to get up and get out of the house on time. It ain’t pretty. LOL
I’m giving myself a huge pat on the back though because I have successfully packed and remembered my lunch every day this week!! Salads for the main course, a cup and a half of blueberries for snack, Greek yogurt and granola (mmm) for breakfast, I’ve got a banana in there just in case… I’m not gonna lie though. I am addicted to junk/fast food and have also had some this week. But at least I did good and didn’t eat it for lunch 4 days this week!!! Baby steps. I even did a mile on the treadmill the other night. It liked to killed me but I did it! I walked a majority of it at a pretty brisk pace and ran just a little of a quarter. Note to self: Stretch thoroughly before attempting THAT shit again!
I started school last week also. My U.S. History professor is a freaking lunatic…but I like him ok. He teaches history like he’s telling a story. It definitely keeps most of it interesting. LOL I REALLY need to get down to the business of writing my paper due March 2nd… The subject you ask? “Describe the contributions of foreign countries to the American Revolution.” *SIGH* I know, I know. Then there’s the second one which is due March 9th. “Describe the influence General Leonidas Polk had on the Civil War.” Shoot. Me. I hate writing papers. It’s the main reason why I have not been in school all along. These two papers are worth 50% of my grade. Yeah. And did I mention that the second one has to include an oral report on said topic? Sure does. Shoot me and stuff me in a hole so my professor can’t find me and make me speak in front of the class!!! ARG!!! The worst ever!!**Disclaimer: I am very well aware that I could be less fortunate and not have a job like so many others today and that I am privileged enough to be able to attend college when others aren’t. This being said, I’m just venting. Don’t get your undies in a bunch.**
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