So, a girlfriend of mine texted me today and told me that she was bored at work and had nothing to read. Well, I got a Nook for Christmas and for those of you who were lazy and did not Google it like I told you to and still have no idea what a Nook is:
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Nook Color: Barnes & Nobles answer to Amazon's Kindle. |
It is an eReader. This baby is so awesome that I carry it with me everywhere I go and I currently have almost twenty books loaded on it. I encourage you to research it and if you are a reader, I encourage you to get one. I just finished a book that I had purchased prior to being given my Nook that was close to 800 pages long. It was a PAIN IN THE ASS to carry around and try not to destroy its cover and tear it's pages... If I had had it on my Nook, I'd have never had that problem...
Anyway, I thought that was what she meant and it turns out she was politely telling me to get back in gear and continue telling my story to the masses...Ok, so I only have like, 10 followers but whatever. Semantics...
Over the holidays my brother was in town and now that he is gone again, my sister and I miss him. My brother is one of the most awesome people I know. Hilarious and almost ALWAYS in a good mood. I feel sorry for the girl he brings home because unless she is just THAT outstanding, I will never think she is good enough for him.
Yesterday, Monkey's daycare called me and advised me that he had broken out in little red dots around his mouth sometime during lunch time. Seeing as how I must try and avoid being frivolent with my sick time and annual leave, I asked them a few questions over the phone to see how severely I should take this news. He was breathing normally, he hadn't eaten anything new or out of the ordinary, was fussy but nap time was eminent so that was ok, and did not seem bothered by any of it so I decided to make him an appointment for this morning and to go ahead and let him stay. His pediatrician said that he looks ok and that sometimes if a child eats something that is salty or acidic (think: tomatoes), they can react to it being around their mouth and on their skin. Remedy? Make sure to clean his little mouth area after he eats and try to avoid letting those types of things sit on his skin. (If he does it again or if it seems worse, I'm going to take him in. But he seems fine.) He DID however, receive a flu shot booster and was not really in the mood to be at daycare today. Poor thing. Lol
I am still single, single, single. And I don't have a prospect in sight... But I think that it's ok. It dawned on me today that though I loathe not having "someone to come home to" that I am not yet ready to be in a relationship. I am no where close to being in the shape I want to be therefore EXTREMELY self conscious. I don't know...I just feel like I need more time to work on me a little bit.
I start school next Monday and am pretty excited about it. There is a little time after I leave work and before I go to school that I will utilize to got o the gym. A few of the guys here play racket ball and have invited me to play with them. I think that even though that means that these guys will see me sweat and I won't be able to hide behind a large sweatshirt anymore that maybe I can just move past that and play a few games and just get over it. *sigh* We'll see.
I emptied Monkey's 3 piggy banks and took the change to the bank today. They were full and I couldn't get much more in there... I deposited $147.14 into his account today. "His" account is the account I opened up for his Child Support to be directly deposited into and nothing comes out of it that is not directly spent on him. In fact, the only thing that account is used for right now is daycare expenses. The rest of it just sits there.
Another one of my girlfriends and I have recently...reconnected. I guess that's the word I would use. I've missed her and am glad she is feeling better. She is addicted to reading. Self professed in fact. LOL She got a Nook also for Christmas and we have been going at it. Her more so than me because she either reads faster than me or has more time to read but she devours books like no one else. She's always saying, "This was great. That was awesome. Read this next. I'm onto another series by so and so..." and I'm always like, "Dude. Seriously? I'm only on page 40 on the FIRST book you told me to read..." LMAO It's not THAT bad but you get the idea. I love her and I have missed her and I am glad to have her back in my life. She checked out for a while and it felt like I'd severed a leg or something. Sometimes you need to be forgiving and how to be compassionate for others.
Hope Monkey Feels Better Soon! Download The Long Run by Matt Long on your Nook - it's AH-mazing!