
Sunday, January 23, 2011


This laptop is my arch enemy right at the moment because it gives me the ability to sit in my bed and gripe to you about what a long week I'm about to have and that there are many more to follow.

I learned on Thursday that the new Work Center (WC) that I belong to, is on overtime. I have been working four 10's...meaning that I worked four days a week for 10 hours a day. Monday through Thursday with Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. Nice, right? I loved having Fridays as my scheduled day off. Well, now I will be working Monday through Friday, 10 hours a day. 10 hours overtime. I could use the money for sure, but that makes for a very long week. Now throw in school. Mondays and Wednesdays I have school from 6pm until 7:20pm. 

My alarm clock goes off at 4. Shower, dry hair, (maybe) make up, throw clothes on, make sure my bag(s) I'll need for the day (purse, backpack for school, lunchbox) are properly packed...and be out the door for 5:30am.  Just so you know, I WILL be stopping by my friendly Starbuck's in the morning as coffee and all things caffinated will be my dearest friends tomorrow. Usually after school I don't get home until around 8pm or so. Maybe a few minutes before but 8pm all the same. From the time I leave here in the morning, it will be almost 15 hours before I get to come home and quit running.  Why couldn't I have been smart enough to get school out of the way YEARS ago when I didn't have bills to pay?!!!!  Oy.

Night y'all.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A new toy.

No. Not THAT kind of filthy minded people you. (Just for the record: that's why I like y'all. )  No. As you all know already, I have recently gone back to school. I'm taking just one class right now but am debating on adding a distance course soon. Working full time and going to school two nights a week takes away from the limited time that I have with Monkey and I know I shouldn't feel guilty for getting my education, but I do feel some pangs of said emotion when I think about how much time he spends at daycare and in the care of others (grandma and grandpa)... *sigh*

ANYWHO.  So I've wanted a laptop for YEARS and finally decided that I needed to stop whining about it and just go get one. Now that I am in school, it's just almost crucial these days to have one as a student.  I mean, who has time to sit in another room while their little one is up and running around like his hair is on fire and your eyes are not on him?  I certainly don't.  So I went to Best Buy last night and got a Sony Vaio.  I'm pretty happy with it. So far. LOL  I haven't even had it 24 hours quite yet.  I got it in Coconut White and think that because I really wanted the Purple one, that my next computer is going to be purple. Period.  Purple and black. :)

Found this pic online but it's the same computer.

And now the urgent truth of the matter is that I need to read the materials that I have printed up for this first paper and quit messing around. UGH! So boring!!!!

I think that this new place that I'm in at work will be ok. My old boss told them before I got there that I am "a very competent and capable PCC and that I need to be allowed to go my job".  Nice, huh?  There are a couple of people around there that are lazy, incompetent, and/or a combination of both. And just Thursday, I was given a task and during the instruction period of the task, my new supervisor made the comment that I was a fast learner and that I would be fine. I'm making those other two look like idiots and I think it's funny. LOL

Anywho. My subscription with eHarmony expires tomorrow and I think I'm going to let it. I'm not impressed with my luck on it and have decided that if I have to be single right now, then so be it.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Was that really necessary?

Ok. So here’s the deal.  They moved me at work.  When I was originally hired here, I was hired for night crew. Well, we basically worked ourselves off a crew but instead of sending us to the house, they decided to keep us all and place us where needed. I’m not a mechanic. I’m a Productions Control Clerk. I do administrative and clerical stuff.  Since leaving my original work center, this will be the third time they’ve bounced me around.  And the worst, yet.
The last area I was in, I had my own office with a closeable door. That was the most important part. I could shut the world out if I needed to focus on something or just didn’t want to hear the most annoying of all voices (and there were 3 of them over there) standing out in the hallway having conversations that reminded me of 3 four year olds bickering over who was gonna get the bendy straw.

Anyway, I am now in a room and have my own little patch of floor.  Seriously.  No door. And I’m working with people that are very dry. Maybe it’s just that they are still trying to feel me out and figure out who I am before they say something, but it makes for a very…strange day.  Oh well. There’s a possibility that I will be moving again here in a few weeks, count 6 or so, to another area. I’m kind of REALLY hoping for that.  It would give me a change of personnel, change of supervisor, and change of atmosphere. I’m pro for all three.  I’ll keep you posted.
Last night as well as the night before, Monkey woke up and was extremely fussy. He was up around 2:30 both mornings and stayed up whining, literally, until around 3:30-40. Um.  My alarm clock is set for 4.  Needless to say, I have snoozed all the way until 5-5:30 both mornings which put me in DEFCON5 status to get up and get out of the house on time.  It ain’t pretty. LOL  
I’m giving myself a huge pat on the back though because I have successfully packed and remembered my lunch every day this week!!  Salads for the main course, a cup and a half of blueberries for snack,  Greek yogurt and granola (mmm) for breakfast, I’ve got a banana in there just in case…  I’m not gonna lie though. I am addicted to junk/fast food and have also had some this week. But at least I did good and didn’t eat it for lunch 4 days this week!!!  Baby steps. I even did a mile on the treadmill the other night. It liked to killed me but I did it! I walked a majority of it at a pretty brisk pace and ran just a little of a quarter. Note to self: Stretch thoroughly before attempting THAT shit again!  
I started school last week also. My U.S. History professor is a freaking lunatic…but I like him ok. He teaches history like he’s telling a story. It definitely keeps most of it interesting. LOL  I REALLY need to get down to the business of writing my paper due March 2nd… The subject you ask?  “Describe the contributions of foreign countries to the American Revolution.”  *SIGH*  I know, I know.  Then there’s the second one which is due March 9th.  “Describe the influence General Leonidas Polk had on the Civil War.”  Shoot. Me. I hate writing papers. It’s the main reason why I have not been in school all along.  These two papers are worth 50% of my grade. Yeah. And did I mention that the second one has to include an oral report on said topic?  Sure does. Shoot me and stuff me in a hole so my professor can’t find me and make me speak in front of the class!!! ARG!!!  The worst ever!!
**Disclaimer:   I am very well aware that I could be less fortunate and not have a job like so many others today and that I am privileged enough to be able to attend college when others aren’t.  This being said, I’m just venting.  Don’t get your undies in a bunch.**

Monday, January 10, 2011

This is the ugly.

So, the other night while I was up texting back and forth with Denison, I got an interesting email. A while ago, a guy had sent me some communications through eH and we eventually went to emailing. I hadn't heard from him in a while and loss interest in him as I thought he had in me. No harm, no foul.  Then I got this...

Email:  fyi....josh is married, and has herpes.  so don't talk or fuck with him ok.

Me:  LMAO! Wow. Seems to me like a jealous ex, or a scorned wife just hacked into Josh's account. Don't you worry your little head darlin'. I've got no interest in Josh. Haven't heard from him in a while anyway.

Email:  not jealous at all.  he is busted. u can have his nasty ass.

Me:  Like I said. I have no interest in him. He's all yours. I don't like drama.

Email:  we just had a baby in nov. i needed to have proof b4 confronting him and i got it. so whatever. i was just sayin heads up....josh aint as nice as he portrays...u dont know the hell he has put me and our kids thru, and the herpes...ill have that forever bc of him so yea, im a little pissed off. sure u would b if u caught urs doin this too.  whatever

Me:  Gotcha. Been where you are. Its not fun. Best of luck.

You gotta admit, if that's the truth, that's some pretty messed up crap.  I kinda feel bad for her.  In truth, there were only a handful of emails that were exchanged and nothing that I wouldn't let my own mother read. Just goes to show you that there are some serious creeps out there. 


Almost forgot...

I recently finished two books. There are some authors that know how to write a story and others that just waste your time. Amanda Hocking did not waste my time. In fact, she has me waiting rather impatiently for the third book in her Trylle Trilogy.  I'm told that it will be released on the 16th and you can bet just as soon as I can get my hot little hands on it (read: download it onto my Nook) that I will!! Even if I have to pay full price for it!!!!

Switched is the first, Torn the second.  The story will suck you in and I recommend them. The third is titled, Ascend. If you liked Twilight, you REALLY need to read these.

That is all.


UPDATE: She pointed it out to me so I feel as though I need to withdraw/modify/explain a comment that I made. My girlfriend that is addicted to reading (that one-lol) said that the author of these books, Amanda Hocking, has recently twisted off about her Trylle Troligy being compared to the likes of the Twilight Saga. This much is true as she has a blog that she has used to convey this message of dislike. Her rant, for all intents and purposes, has valid weight to it in the respect that readers are "attacking" her form of writing and ideas with ill purpose. These books are not about vampires. And the only comparisons that I can really find worth mentioning are that the characters are fairly young, Amanda's style of writing is geared towards a younger audience (read: young adult), and that the characters are all caught up in current and past love conflicts. She unfolds this story in a way that keeps you attention and in my opinion, has done a good job at it.  In short, these books are well worth reading, maybe even twice!

What's on the menu?

I'll tell you, because I made dinner both Saturday and Sunday nights this weekend. In truth, I love to cook. I can follow a recipe and love trying new stuff, but I haven't been making time for it and usually Gran makes dinner so...  For those of you who don't know, I make a BOMB ass spaghetti sauce from scratch that is absolutely legendary. Ok, maybe not legendary but let's not split hairs. It's frickin' good. And Saturday I had a hankering for it and BONUS!!!!, had all the ingredients for it. This time I put a secret ingredient in it and it turned out even better!! If I remember correctly this is how it went...
1 large can of Diced tomatoes
1 small can of Diced tomatoes
1 can tomato paste
2 lbs ground beef (I prefer mine to be very lean)
Half to three quarters large onion (chopped)
5-7 mushrooms (chopped)
3-4 cloves of garlic (chopped finely)
3 stalks of celery (rinsed, chopped and left in crescent shape)
1-1 1/2 inch of anchovy paste (yeah, I said it)
Olive oil
Italian seasoning (to taste)
Black pepper
Garlic powder (to taste)

Secret ingredient: Warning! Not to be used to feed the faint of heart! This stuff is GOOOOOD!!!

1 packet of Lipton's Onion soup (yeah, no kidding)

Put Onion, Celery, Garlic cloves and olive oil in pot and saute until onions are clear. Add ground beef and brown. Half way through the browning, add your anchovy paste. Once meat is browned, add your tomatoes and paste. Add about 3/4 cup of water and stir. Add your dry ingredients and mushrooms.  Once all your ingredients are in the pot, stir and let it simmer for about an hour to make sure all your flavors mix and mingle. Make your pasta and enjoy. I like to serve mine with a green veggie. Love me some spinach.

And last night I made a casserole type dish with chicken, rice, cream of mushroom soup, black pepper, paprika and a little bit of shredded sharp cheddar. It was delish!

As for everything else...Monkey is doing well. I go to the ENT tomorrow to beg him to take out my tonsils...the rat bastards that they have been for the past 3 months...grr.  And a guy who lives in Denison seems pretty interested from eH. Meh. We'll see. :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Oh, and one more thing...

I forgot to mention that I have a consult with an ENT doctor on Tuesday. Not sure if y'all have been paying a whole lot of attention to it but I have been in a constant state of sickness with varying degrees of severity for around 3+ months. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. Christmas Eve of this year...scratch that. Christmas Eve of 2010, so last month, I found myself in the ER coughing so badly that I was unable to catch my breath for more than 2-3 minutes before I would go into another coughing fit. And when I say coughing, I mean COUGHING (so hard that my rib cage hurt and I puked a few times..yeah. Ew.). They put me on Erythromycin (sp?), a cough syrup that was basically Robitussin with Codeine, and also an Albuterol inhaler.

The antibiotic they gave me is for 14 days. Four days past the normal 10 that they usually put you on. I noted that. The ER doc also looked into my record and saw that I had been in the ER specifically for similar respiratory and throat issues over the last few months and decided that I warranted a consult with the ENT. Well, no shit!!!!  So, with those four things in hand, I made my way home where I properly dosed myself with the medications provided and attempted to enjoy my Christmas holiday with family. Mission accomplished.  Even though I had made an appointment to see my primary physician, I was not able to get in until 11JAN. I tried my best to suck it up, but my body had other plans.

Here is what I want: I want that ENT to tell me that my tonsils need to come out. No. I'm serious. These stupid things have been swollen and painful for far too long and when I can't lay on my pillow without those damn things blocking my airway...take them suckers OUT!! I'm ok with it. Really.  I will gladly take a few days off of work to recoup if they will just get rid of them for me.  Otherwise, I am left with my own devices. I'd rather not find out what happens then.  ;)


I need more time.

So, a girlfriend of mine texted me today and told me that she was bored at work and had nothing to read. Well, I got a Nook for Christmas and for those of you who were lazy and did not Google it like I told you to and still have no idea what a Nook is:

Nook Color: Barnes & Nobles answer to Amazon's Kindle.

It is an eReader. This baby is so awesome that I carry it with me everywhere I go and I currently have almost twenty books loaded on it. I encourage you to research it and if you are a reader, I encourage you to get one. I just finished a book that I had purchased prior to being given my Nook that was close to 800 pages long. It was a PAIN IN THE ASS to carry around and try not to destroy its cover and tear it's pages... If I had had it on my Nook, I'd have never had that problem...

Anyway, I thought that was what she meant and it turns out she was politely telling me to get back in gear and continue telling my story to the masses...Ok, so I only have like, 10 followers but whatever. Semantics...

Over the holidays my brother was in town and now that he is gone again, my sister and I miss him. My brother is one of the most awesome people I know. Hilarious and almost ALWAYS in a good mood. I feel sorry for the girl he brings home because unless she is just THAT outstanding, I will never think she is good enough for him.

Yesterday, Monkey's daycare called me and advised me that he had broken out in little red dots around his mouth sometime during lunch time. Seeing as how I must try and avoid being frivolent with my sick time and annual leave, I asked them a few questions over the phone to see how severely I should take this news. He was breathing normally, he hadn't eaten anything new or out of the ordinary, was fussy but nap time was eminent so that was ok, and did not seem bothered by any of it so I decided to make him an appointment for this morning and to go ahead and let him stay. His pediatrician said that he looks ok and that sometimes if a child eats something that is salty or acidic (think: tomatoes), they can react to it being around their mouth and on their skin. Remedy? Make sure to clean his little mouth area after he eats and try to avoid letting those types of things sit on his skin.  (If he does it again or if it seems worse, I'm going to take him in. But he seems fine.)  He DID however, receive a flu shot booster and was not really in the mood to be at daycare today. Poor thing. Lol

I am still single, single, single.  And I don't have a prospect in sight... But I think that it's ok. It dawned on me today that though I loathe not having "someone to come home to" that I am not yet ready to be in a relationship. I am no where close to being in the shape I want to be therefore EXTREMELY self conscious. I don't know...I just feel like I need more time to work on me a little bit.

I start school next Monday and am pretty excited about it. There is a little time after I leave work and before I go to school that I will utilize to got o the gym.  A few of the guys here play racket ball and have invited me to play with them. I think that even though that means that these guys will see me sweat and I won't be able to hide behind a large sweatshirt anymore that maybe I can just move past that and play a few games and just get over it. *sigh*  We'll see.

I emptied Monkey's 3 piggy banks and took the change to the bank today. They were full and I couldn't get much more in there... I deposited $147.14 into his account today. "His" account is the account I opened up for his Child Support to be directly deposited into and nothing comes out of it that is not directly spent on him. In fact, the only thing that account is used for right now is daycare expenses. The rest of it just sits there.

Another one of my girlfriends and I have recently...reconnected. I guess that's the word I would use. I've missed her and am glad she is feeling better. She is addicted to reading. Self professed in fact. LOL She got a Nook also for Christmas and we have been going at it. Her more so than me because she either reads faster than me or has more time to read but she devours books like no one else. She's always saying, "This was great. That was awesome. Read this next. I'm onto another series by so and so..." and I'm always like, "Dude. Seriously? I'm only on page 40 on the FIRST book you told me to read..." LMAO  It's not THAT bad but you get the idea. I love her and I have missed her and I am glad to have her back in my life. She checked out for a while and it felt like I'd severed a leg or something.  Sometimes you need to be forgiving and how to be compassionate for others.