Ok, well, here goes nothing. I was informed at one point during my rantings in my "Myspace" blogs that they were entertaining as hell to read and had a few that looked forward to the "latest" word. My life has drastically changed from those days. I'm no longer married, though would be pleased as pie if someone could tell me where the REAL men in this world are located. I am no longer single as I curently have one heck of an attachment. And I am a "new kid on the block" mommy. Hence the attachment.
My attachment's name is Ivan. He's about 7 1/2 months old now and is THE love of my life. In future postings should I blog of feelings towards a man, and those be expressed as "the love of my life"...I'm lying to you and will be in need of a swift reminder that my head is no longer running the show. (the reminder I will leave to your disgretion) Ivan came in to my life on St.Patrick's Day of 2009 (March 17th for those of you still sleeping) and has been an ever present lesson on patience and unconditional love.
Before Ivan, I was THE most impatient person... usually resorting to stomping my foot on the petal to the right, and passing on the shoulder, the idiot in front of me...doing the speed limit. These days I'm usually in the company of some pretty precious cargo that I would promply release postal urges and open 50 gallon drums of good old fashioned "whoop ass" should some retard harm even the slightest hair on his head. That being said, I tend to excersize a little more patience these days. I will not lie to you and say ALL of my hot-headed days are over, but I believe that your children learn by watching YOU and do not want to be dealing with a pint sized hot-head in future days. No, thank you. So I attempt to keep my keel a little more even.
The unconditional love part is really self explanitory. Nothing quite says unconditional like baby puke that hits your throat and slithers between your boobs to slide down your stomach and completely RUIN the shirt you just had on, the great mood you were just in, and the perfume you just sprayed. This was delivered with a smile mind you. A big, "I've got three teeth in my head, wanna see?" gorgeous smile. How thankful was I that it didn't reek... I love that child to pieces. Seriously.
And in the 7 1/2 months of his external existence, it still has not hit me. I'm a mom. I am responsible for making sure this little guy gets the nourishment he needs every day, is protected from the elements, has diapers to be changed into, is comfortably clothed, and on a larger scale...goes to school every day AND makes good grades... I'm responsible for instilling good moral fibers and values beyond the jacked up views our current society would have you to think were acceptable... This is a big job. Like, HUGE. Unfortunately, I'm doing this on my own. I'm a single mother. But, how many single mothers are out there and doing good jobs of raising their children? Lots, right? So, I am faced with a HUGE challenge that I am SO ready to take on. In my corner are the ones who instilled good moral fiber and values in me when I was just a wee lass. My parents. They differ not from other grand-parents. My mother lost her marbles when Ivan came along and we're still finding them scattered. HAHA She just goes sillybrain when it comes to her grandson. My dad's the same way. My sister,... don't even get me started. She calls him, "Mankey". Enough said.
So, this is my first installment to my refractory truth. It's the baseline to my story.
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