Wanna know how I know God loves us? We have baseball.
The Astros really sucked last year and it was a major bummer. I can remember sitting in the old Astro Dome with my dad, Grandfather (who is no longer with us, God rest his soul), and Sissy when their uniforms were that super ugly grey and neon yellow and orange. (Whoever thought that up needed to be fired...) Minute-Maid Stadium is quite nice. I was there for Biggio's 3000 hits game. Aside from the sucky company (Mistake's family minus my MIL) is was really awesome! One of these days I'll be back. Hopefully sooner than later.
Yesterday was the season opener and I am here to tell you that I am WAY excited about watching ball games again! (I'm sick and tired of basketball and really don't even like the sport.) Baseball is a favorite past time for me and there is NOTHING like eating stadium dogs and drinking a beer while sitting in a crowd of thousands of baseball fans, and watching America's Game. It doesn't get much better than that.
Last year, the Texas Rangers made it to the World Series and I may or may not have shed real tears when the damn New York Yankees won. Surprise, surprise on that one. I hope they choke this year...

I saw Strand Therapist today. I have noticed that the silver in my hair is REALLY starting to multiply...rapidly. Strand Therapist agreed, much to my dismay. So I got my hair color touched up and feel a little better about hiding from the world the fact that by the time I'm 40 I could very well be more salt than pepper (if looking at my mother is any indication...). I'm just not ready to add twenty years to my face at the tender age of 30. Don't judge...
I have no idea what I'm going to do tomorrow. Laundry probably. Sounds exciting right? Well, considering I was informed today that my American Bulldog is more than likely going to require a knee surgery to the tune of a thousand buckaroos...I'll be pinching my pennies until Abe Lincoln himself begs for relief from the pressure. Wish me (and him) luck!
Sorry to hear about your pup I've had vet bils like those before and they are not fun.