
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Busier now at work= no time to post...

I'm thinking that I'm gonna have to get a laptop soon or something so that when I'm at home (and after Monkey goes to bed for the night) that I can sit on the comfy couch (as opposed to a uncomfy rolly chair in the "office" at the house at a desktop comp) and type out a decent blog.

If only I had about $1500 for a Mac, or even a few hundred for a Dell... I'll get there.  lol  Patience grasshopper, patience.

Ok, so this training that I have been doing with (yikes) Miss PIE (Pompous Inflated Ego--soon to be added to the "Who the Heck...") is frying my brain. Let me back up a minute.  Back when I had been volun-told to be on the company picnic committee (read: Chili Anyone?) I encountered Miss PIE.  She is very hands on, all about it, get it done, etc. These are not bad traits to have, except when you whine and cry, bitch and moan, go to out of town meetings and interrupt the person who is presenting information to you and continually ask mounds of questions therefore making an ass and nuisance of yourself, in the meantime.  She's married.  Has kids, step kids, and from what I gather has a pretty busy home life.  Her problem is that she thinks that she runs the show and can't keep her trap shut.  In some ways, our job does entail that we are multi-tasking demons.  And sometimes, we are left to our own devices to "make it happen".  But she doesn't understand that she is not being paid the big bucks, therefore her opinion DOES NOT MATTER unless it is asked for.

There are major changes coming down the pipelines for her division.  There has been a proposal to increase man power in order to free up those who are educated, qualified, and experienced to move into more managerial positions. Also to add another PCC (I have been asked for by name!!!) to fill this position which will eventually lead to a promotion and a more solid position within the ranks here.  What SHE doesn't know is that her boss does not like her due to her constant opinionated behavior and that she is essentially training me to replace her.  (I'm taking detailed notes.)

But in her defense, she does do a lot for one person.  Bringing me on will help to alleviate some of the stress so,...I don't know really what's going to ultimately come of all this.  I'm just sayin'. 

So being in training most of the day does not leave me with a lot of time to post lately.  For that, I am sorry.  Please be patient with me and I'll do my best to prop my eyelids open with toothpicks to ensure a regular dose of "Gracie".



  1. I bought the Acer Timeline from Costco. It was like $400 and has an 8+ hour battery life. It doesn't do anything fancy but I can use the internet... which is about the extent of my computer knowledge.

  2. Molly has an Acer and loves it... it looks like a mini laptop.
