This is going to be a short one as I have to be somewhere shortly...
So, apparently while I was out sick with Monkey, the fax machine in my office (which is the communal machine around here) broke. They proceeded to hook up the fax machine that is built into my 4-in-1 that sits BEHIND my desk.
Problem: I am former military and of a Law Enforcement state of mind. I, under no circumstances, like to have people behind me or my back towards the room. EVER. And these people who will be using said fax machine are not courteous enough to say, "Hey, could you grab that fax for me?" (which I would be MORE than happy to do if it means that they do not invade my space and come behind my desk) No, they'll think nothing of the fact and just do as they please. GRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not like this! I may need to consider rearranging my office to accommodate for this inconvenience...
In addition to this, The Smeller (Talkin' trash...) was the very first one to walk in here and go right to the machine in question. Not only was he the first, but he is also doused in the very same cologne in the "Talkin' Trash..." blog of which I speak! And it permeated the paint on my walls and is lingering in my already scorched sinus cavities. Ugh!!! Seriously. Not nice. I wonder if anyone has ever told him that particular cologne needs to be removed from the shelves at ALL stores in which it is sold because it REEKS!!!! There is not one redeeming note in that cologne. It just flat out butt or something equally as heinous to think about. My Scentsy warmer can't even compete with it.
Anywho...I'll be off to continue training with Miss Planner (also in Talkin' Trash...) shortly. I just needed to get that off my chest.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Blogging just to blog...
There's not a whole lot to report other than Mr. Italian and I no longer talk. I'm not going to discuss why. We just don't.
Mr. G is a hit and miss here lately which is fine.
And Mr. NRN will be back in town sometime this week. He has been on my mind a lot lately. Wish I could do something about that. LOL Red and I have a bet going. She says that he is going to contact me sometime within 3 weeks of him being home. That should give him enough time to see his family, his son, and get back into the swing of things at work. She said that one thing men just can't get over is a woman who lets go. (Which is what I did when I told him I couldn't be his FWB anymore.) I don't hate him, nor am I mad at him. He technically did nothing wrong to me. In all fairness, he did tell me up front that he was not ready for a serious relationship. I was the one who went ahead and fell anyway. So the bet is $20 and I'm pretty much betting against myself on this one. She says he will contact me within 3 weeks, I say he won't. He has no reason to really. At least I don't think so...
I have loads of stuff to do here at work. And I have yet ANOTHER sinus infection. I swear...I quit smoking on May 7th and my sinus's have been going ape-shit ever since. *bleck*
And just because I think it's funny that Lohan went to jail... for your entertainment pleasure...
Mr. G is a hit and miss here lately which is fine.
And Mr. NRN will be back in town sometime this week. He has been on my mind a lot lately. Wish I could do something about that. LOL Red and I have a bet going. She says that he is going to contact me sometime within 3 weeks of him being home. That should give him enough time to see his family, his son, and get back into the swing of things at work. She said that one thing men just can't get over is a woman who lets go. (Which is what I did when I told him I couldn't be his FWB anymore.) I don't hate him, nor am I mad at him. He technically did nothing wrong to me. In all fairness, he did tell me up front that he was not ready for a serious relationship. I was the one who went ahead and fell anyway. So the bet is $20 and I'm pretty much betting against myself on this one. She says he will contact me within 3 weeks, I say he won't. He has no reason to really. At least I don't think so...
I have loads of stuff to do here at work. And I have yet ANOTHER sinus infection. I swear...I quit smoking on May 7th and my sinus's have been going ape-shit ever since. *bleck*
And just because I think it's funny that Lohan went to jail... for your entertainment pleasure...
Happy Monday, folks. May your coffee be hot and yummy, and your day be light and swift!!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Snot, Watermelon and Poo Juice.
You're probably wondering, "Gracie, what the hell is up with your title?!" right? Well. Let me just tell you.
Yesterday I stayed home with Monkey. Sunday afternoon on our way home from the lake, Monkey spiked a fever and puked in the car. He was promptly bathed, dosed with Motrin and loved up on. Monday, he was still feverish and Grandma stayed home with him. Yesterday, it was my turn.
This poor child already has allergies so a virus/sinus infection on top of that and you can imagine the snot factory he has become. Crusties, runners, and globs of snot and boogers. Yea! It's bad enough that you could hang pictures on walls with his boogers because they are so freaking sticky and gross but pair that with's a recipe for... Hey. There's an idea!! Talk about a money making scheme. I could just package them up (he's a factory anyway right?) and sell them. I'll call it "Booger Tacky: Hangs anything, Anywhere!" LOL Booger Tacky. Sick.
Speaking of sick...
So, in case you have no earthly idea what my favorite fruit is, it's watermelon. I. LOVE. WATERMELON. It is super yummy. My dad, over the weekend, picked a really good one and we cut into it this week. Monday night to be exact. Tuesday morning I sat down on the couch, with a big 'ol slice of it, while Monkey was playing. He was wearing his diaper and a little pajama t-shirt. He climbed up to where I was sitting, went to turn around to sit on my thigh, and smeared poo juice on my damn arm! (Note: for those of you who are unaware of what "poo juice" is, essentially, it's diarrhea. Sometimes, little ones have runny diapers and the diaper doesn't quite contain all of its...contents. It happens. Any mother can tell you "poo juice" stories. YOUR own mother can probably recall a poo juice story of your very own. This is one of Monkey's. LOL) So, I'm holding my watermelon plate and I feel the air hit a now wet streak on my arm. I look over, no discoloration. Upon a smell check however...*hurk* (that's me gagging) I had indeed just been poo juice'd. "GROOSSSSSS, Monkey!!!!!" He was like, "What?" He doesn't talk yet, but that was the look he gave me. Pure and innocent, "I have no idea what you are freaking over, mom." I got up, put my plate on the table and promptly took him to change is "juicy" diaper. Because his little butt was priority (he gets diaper rash easily from acidic foods and diarrhea) and I was able to wipe my arm with a wipe at his changing table, I washed my arms up to the elbow before I sat back down with my watermelon plate.
Knowing he had a fresh diaper on, I was not squeamish about him attempting to climb into my lap again. I should have been. Once seated, he looked at my plate of yummy, wonderfully delicious, sweet watermelon...and sneezed all over it. ALL over it. Not one piece was spared. And once I was able to tear my eyes away from my now ruined watermelon, I looked at him, and he smiled so big at me that I busted up laughing. Goof ball. I love that child. Seriously.
Yesterday I stayed home with Monkey. Sunday afternoon on our way home from the lake, Monkey spiked a fever and puked in the car. He was promptly bathed, dosed with Motrin and loved up on. Monday, he was still feverish and Grandma stayed home with him. Yesterday, it was my turn.
This poor child already has allergies so a virus/sinus infection on top of that and you can imagine the snot factory he has become. Crusties, runners, and globs of snot and boogers. Yea! It's bad enough that you could hang pictures on walls with his boogers because they are so freaking sticky and gross but pair that with's a recipe for... Hey. There's an idea!! Talk about a money making scheme. I could just package them up (he's a factory anyway right?) and sell them. I'll call it "Booger Tacky: Hangs anything, Anywhere!" LOL Booger Tacky. Sick.
Speaking of sick...
So, in case you have no earthly idea what my favorite fruit is, it's watermelon. I. LOVE. WATERMELON. It is super yummy. My dad, over the weekend, picked a really good one and we cut into it this week. Monday night to be exact. Tuesday morning I sat down on the couch, with a big 'ol slice of it, while Monkey was playing. He was wearing his diaper and a little pajama t-shirt. He climbed up to where I was sitting, went to turn around to sit on my thigh, and smeared poo juice on my damn arm! (Note: for those of you who are unaware of what "poo juice" is, essentially, it's diarrhea. Sometimes, little ones have runny diapers and the diaper doesn't quite contain all of its...contents. It happens. Any mother can tell you "poo juice" stories. YOUR own mother can probably recall a poo juice story of your very own. This is one of Monkey's. LOL) So, I'm holding my watermelon plate and I feel the air hit a now wet streak on my arm. I look over, no discoloration. Upon a smell check however...*hurk* (that's me gagging) I had indeed just been poo juice'd. "GROOSSSSSS, Monkey!!!!!" He was like, "What?" He doesn't talk yet, but that was the look he gave me. Pure and innocent, "I have no idea what you are freaking over, mom." I got up, put my plate on the table and promptly took him to change is "juicy" diaper. Because his little butt was priority (he gets diaper rash easily from acidic foods and diarrhea) and I was able to wipe my arm with a wipe at his changing table, I washed my arms up to the elbow before I sat back down with my watermelon plate.
Knowing he had a fresh diaper on, I was not squeamish about him attempting to climb into my lap again. I should have been. Once seated, he looked at my plate of yummy, wonderfully delicious, sweet watermelon...and sneezed all over it. ALL over it. Not one piece was spared. And once I was able to tear my eyes away from my now ruined watermelon, I looked at him, and he smiled so big at me that I busted up laughing. Goof ball. I love that child. Seriously.
Monday, July 19, 2010
And then he said...!!!
Alright, here we go...
I have tons of stuff to type up here at work but I'm taking an intermission in order to get some word out and get some thoughts out of my head.
The first of such things is a new member to the blogosphere. Tiny is one of my favorite peeps as she is a real kick in the ass once she gets over her shyness. She was one of my Marines while we were in and also a former roomy. I love her little self to pieces and though she's just starting out, show her some blog love and tell her I sent you!! :)
Next on the agenda is the fact that I have completely given in and am now a twitter-er. (*hanging head and shaking it*) I know. It's ridiculous but I can't help it. I forget about it mostly and when I remember it it's when I'm sitting there and doing nothing exciting, but still. I tweet. @KFGracie for those of you who shamelessly love to be all up in other people's business like I do!! LMAO
Ok,...Mrs. Adventure and Anastasia have been on this health kick (not to say "kick" as in it won't be a forever thing...I believe it will be.) and it's kind of starting to rub off on my somewhat. There are things that I just absolutely REFUSE to give up. Things like a nice juicy steak, or BBQ chicken (without the skin *gag* of course), and various other things too. But I am NOT opposed to eating less of these and more of fresh produce and things that are better for me that what I currently eat. The ONLY downfall to eating healthier is the cost. As a single mother with limited income, that can be more of a burden than a necessity. However, in my baby-steps of healthier-eating education I have purchased 3 new cookbooks (to be added to, I'm sure) such as these...
Bethenny Frankel is a natural foods Chef/business woman. Teresa Guidice is a mother of four daughters...and has said that she cooks, cleans, and takes care of the babies in her house. I can appreciate that. My guilty pleasure while folding laundry or taking a break is watching Real Housewives (enter city here) because they have all kinds of drama in their world and I'm not the one who has to deal with it. lol
So far, the Jillian cook book is FULL of stuff I want to try and educating as well. The other two are on order through Borders and will be shipping to me shortly. FYI, Borders has something called Borders Marketplace. It's a used bookstore online and is fabulous for getting good quality used books for half to three-quarters off the original price. Just for getting used!!!! LOL Check it out. It's not just books either.
My weekend was eventful, exhausting, and great. Saturday and some of Sunday were spent at Lake Buchanan with my parents, some family friends that I hadn't seen in a while and Monkey, of course. Monkey was overwhelmed, overtired and come to find out, coming down with a fever from YET ANOTHER cold. We were about 10 minutes from home when he started puking in the car. Poor thing. Tylenol and Motrin are being used to combat the fever but there is NOTHING that clears up his nose and sinus'. GRRR.
As far as the men go, Mr. G and I continue to stay in touch. He and I still have not bumped it up a level to actually speaking but I'm ok with that for now. It's nice to know that there is a male on the other end of a text message right now that will reply and there's no pressure. I have a ton of other stuff I am trying to focus on right now and a boyfriend or some other same type distraction would really tangle me up right now.
Mr. NRN comes back to Texas in less than 14 days. Be still my heart. I don't think I am ready to be in the same state as him just yet. That man SERIOUSLY...there is STILL something about him that just drives me nuts. So hard to explain and I know that if I lay eyes on him this soon that I will get stupid in the head again. I've done a lot of thinking since he's been gone and I think that unless he wanted a SERIOUS go at being SERIOUS, he is just entirely WAY too dangerous for my mind, AND my libido. Whatever. I prolly have nothing to worry about. I'm probably the FURTHEST thing from his mind. *sigh* And that's ok, I suppose.
Pssh! As for Mr. Italian. I'm done. I'm done even entertaining the thought of that. First of all, apparently he was promoted to site foreman for the construction company that he works for. That's all good and fine, but this idiot calls me one day last week or so and proceeds to tell me that on that particular day, he sent his guys home at regular quitting time, and stayed at the site BY HIMSELF, operating heavy machinery BY HIMSELF, for 3 hours, OFF THE CLOCK, so that he could make his first job look good for his boss's. At the time, I was seriously pissed that he was even stupid enough to do such a thing so I let him have it. He's always saying how he wants a wife and kids so I made sure I brought that up. He can't make decisions like that if he has a wife and kids to go home to that depend on him to come home. And before he was able to say that he doesn't have that at home and use it as an excuse, I told him that making decisions like that make me and every other woman think that he makes dumb decisions like that and cares not as to what the consequences are. Me, as a mother? Yeah, no thanks, to a man like that. He argued with me. He said, "but you have to see where I'm coming from." in reference to why he did it. So I told him that no, I didn't see where he was coming from and that I wouldn't see it. If he had gotten hurt, injured in any way, there was no one there to call for help for him in that event. Operating heavy machinery by yourself is never a good idea and for him to not see that and argue with allowed me to take a step back and reevaluate what I was doing. There's more to it but I need to press on...
Not only that, this man has also told me that he doesn't believe in God due to a serious of unfortunate events in his life. WHOOOAAAAA! Hold the damn phone. He told me this a little over a month ago I think and I told him that I WILL NOT (and refuse to go back on this) marry a man that 1-does not believe in God, 2-refuses to attend church with me and my son, 3-won't help me to instill the morals and values that the Bible teaches and infuse them into Monkey's moral fiber. This is without a doubt a show stopper for me. (I know there are a few of you out there who may feel differently and to that I say this is MY blog, and that you are entitled to your own opinions but within the lines of this blog, we believe in God.) So anyway, he is always asking me why something happened "if there is a God". He was in a pretty serious auto accident a few years ago that left him paralyzed from the waist down. They told him that he would never walk again. He is upright and walking today. But he asked me why God would do that to him and his family and why his mom and brother had to go through that. My answer was simple. He could be dead right now. More so, he could still be paralyzed from the waist down. Instead, he is making gobs of money and living well. How can you not see the miracles in that?!
So anywho...I was on the phone with him on Friday I think it was, and I was already irritated with him for the whole construction crap and him sending me a text message asking if I hated him now or what because he hadn't heard from me and it used to be an everyday thing. I told him that no, I didn't hate him and to quite being a drama queen. In his defense, he was trying to say he was sorry because I was right and he wasn't thinking clearly. Yeah, yeah. So he asks what I'm doing for the weekend. I told him of the Lake plans and that I wasn't sure if I was going to stay Saturday night or not due to me missing church for about the last month and a half due to Monkey being sick and not healthy enough to be around other children/people. he said, "Bad Biblethumper." (My blood pressure INSTANTLY spiked and I was INSTANTLY no longer interested in speaking to him.) How DARE you mock me about something like that , call me that, when you can't even say you believe in HIM. Uh, uh. Not the right one. NOT, the right one. I know better than this. Part of my journey is figuring out where the mistakes are before I make them and I think that even entertaining the thought of getting back together with him is a waste of time. I won't do it. Knowing that he is not a believer would not allow me to be completely happy with him. And I'm not saying that I am an angel and that I am without my faults. On the contrary! I am a sinner. I have a mouth like a sailor and trucker's lovechild! I miss church sometimes. I am quick-tempered, and there are plenty of reasons why St. Peter may not let me in those gates. But I believe. And I strive to make it to church, and I want my son raised in a home where he knows who Jesus is and respects the teachings...AND KNOWS BETTER THAN TO MOCK THEM!!!! So, I'm hereby writing Mr. Italian off.
I have tons of stuff to type up here at work but I'm taking an intermission in order to get some word out and get some thoughts out of my head.
The first of such things is a new member to the blogosphere. Tiny is one of my favorite peeps as she is a real kick in the ass once she gets over her shyness. She was one of my Marines while we were in and also a former roomy. I love her little self to pieces and though she's just starting out, show her some blog love and tell her I sent you!! :)
Next on the agenda is the fact that I have completely given in and am now a twitter-er. (*hanging head and shaking it*) I know. It's ridiculous but I can't help it. I forget about it mostly and when I remember it it's when I'm sitting there and doing nothing exciting, but still. I tweet. @KFGracie for those of you who shamelessly love to be all up in other people's business like I do!! LMAO
Ok,...Mrs. Adventure and Anastasia have been on this health kick (not to say "kick" as in it won't be a forever thing...I believe it will be.) and it's kind of starting to rub off on my somewhat. There are things that I just absolutely REFUSE to give up. Things like a nice juicy steak, or BBQ chicken (without the skin *gag* of course), and various other things too. But I am NOT opposed to eating less of these and more of fresh produce and things that are better for me that what I currently eat. The ONLY downfall to eating healthier is the cost. As a single mother with limited income, that can be more of a burden than a necessity. However, in my baby-steps of healthier-eating education I have purchased 3 new cookbooks (to be added to, I'm sure) such as these...
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We all know and love Jillian but the second book belongs to Bethenny Frankel (of Real Housewives of New York) and the second one belongs to Teresa Guidice (of Real Housewives of New Jersey). |
So far, the Jillian cook book is FULL of stuff I want to try and educating as well. The other two are on order through Borders and will be shipping to me shortly. FYI, Borders has something called Borders Marketplace. It's a used bookstore online and is fabulous for getting good quality used books for half to three-quarters off the original price. Just for getting used!!!! LOL Check it out. It's not just books either.
My weekend was eventful, exhausting, and great. Saturday and some of Sunday were spent at Lake Buchanan with my parents, some family friends that I hadn't seen in a while and Monkey, of course. Monkey was overwhelmed, overtired and come to find out, coming down with a fever from YET ANOTHER cold. We were about 10 minutes from home when he started puking in the car. Poor thing. Tylenol and Motrin are being used to combat the fever but there is NOTHING that clears up his nose and sinus'. GRRR.
As far as the men go, Mr. G and I continue to stay in touch. He and I still have not bumped it up a level to actually speaking but I'm ok with that for now. It's nice to know that there is a male on the other end of a text message right now that will reply and there's no pressure. I have a ton of other stuff I am trying to focus on right now and a boyfriend or some other same type distraction would really tangle me up right now.
Mr. NRN comes back to Texas in less than 14 days. Be still my heart. I don't think I am ready to be in the same state as him just yet. That man SERIOUSLY...there is STILL something about him that just drives me nuts. So hard to explain and I know that if I lay eyes on him this soon that I will get stupid in the head again. I've done a lot of thinking since he's been gone and I think that unless he wanted a SERIOUS go at being SERIOUS, he is just entirely WAY too dangerous for my mind, AND my libido. Whatever. I prolly have nothing to worry about. I'm probably the FURTHEST thing from his mind. *sigh* And that's ok, I suppose.
Pssh! As for Mr. Italian. I'm done. I'm done even entertaining the thought of that. First of all, apparently he was promoted to site foreman for the construction company that he works for. That's all good and fine, but this idiot calls me one day last week or so and proceeds to tell me that on that particular day, he sent his guys home at regular quitting time, and stayed at the site BY HIMSELF, operating heavy machinery BY HIMSELF, for 3 hours, OFF THE CLOCK, so that he could make his first job look good for his boss's. At the time, I was seriously pissed that he was even stupid enough to do such a thing so I let him have it. He's always saying how he wants a wife and kids so I made sure I brought that up. He can't make decisions like that if he has a wife and kids to go home to that depend on him to come home. And before he was able to say that he doesn't have that at home and use it as an excuse, I told him that making decisions like that make me and every other woman think that he makes dumb decisions like that and cares not as to what the consequences are. Me, as a mother? Yeah, no thanks, to a man like that. He argued with me. He said, "but you have to see where I'm coming from." in reference to why he did it. So I told him that no, I didn't see where he was coming from and that I wouldn't see it. If he had gotten hurt, injured in any way, there was no one there to call for help for him in that event. Operating heavy machinery by yourself is never a good idea and for him to not see that and argue with allowed me to take a step back and reevaluate what I was doing. There's more to it but I need to press on...
Not only that, this man has also told me that he doesn't believe in God due to a serious of unfortunate events in his life. WHOOOAAAAA! Hold the damn phone. He told me this a little over a month ago I think and I told him that I WILL NOT (and refuse to go back on this) marry a man that 1-does not believe in God, 2-refuses to attend church with me and my son, 3-won't help me to instill the morals and values that the Bible teaches and infuse them into Monkey's moral fiber. This is without a doubt a show stopper for me. (I know there are a few of you out there who may feel differently and to that I say this is MY blog, and that you are entitled to your own opinions but within the lines of this blog, we believe in God.) So anyway, he is always asking me why something happened "if there is a God". He was in a pretty serious auto accident a few years ago that left him paralyzed from the waist down. They told him that he would never walk again. He is upright and walking today. But he asked me why God would do that to him and his family and why his mom and brother had to go through that. My answer was simple. He could be dead right now. More so, he could still be paralyzed from the waist down. Instead, he is making gobs of money and living well. How can you not see the miracles in that?!
So anywho...I was on the phone with him on Friday I think it was, and I was already irritated with him for the whole construction crap and him sending me a text message asking if I hated him now or what because he hadn't heard from me and it used to be an everyday thing. I told him that no, I didn't hate him and to quite being a drama queen. In his defense, he was trying to say he was sorry because I was right and he wasn't thinking clearly. Yeah, yeah. So he asks what I'm doing for the weekend. I told him of the Lake plans and that I wasn't sure if I was going to stay Saturday night or not due to me missing church for about the last month and a half due to Monkey being sick and not healthy enough to be around other children/people. he said, "Bad Biblethumper." (My blood pressure INSTANTLY spiked and I was INSTANTLY no longer interested in speaking to him.) How DARE you mock me about something like that , call me that, when you can't even say you believe in HIM. Uh, uh. Not the right one. NOT, the right one. I know better than this. Part of my journey is figuring out where the mistakes are before I make them and I think that even entertaining the thought of getting back together with him is a waste of time. I won't do it. Knowing that he is not a believer would not allow me to be completely happy with him. And I'm not saying that I am an angel and that I am without my faults. On the contrary! I am a sinner. I have a mouth like a sailor and trucker's lovechild! I miss church sometimes. I am quick-tempered, and there are plenty of reasons why St. Peter may not let me in those gates. But I believe. And I strive to make it to church, and I want my son raised in a home where he knows who Jesus is and respects the teachings...AND KNOWS BETTER THAN TO MOCK THEM!!!! So, I'm hereby writing Mr. Italian off.
Whew. Just relating that to the keyboard irritated me and wore me out. Whatever. Somewhere out there, there is a man that will fall within all the crazy pegs that I have staked to sift all the loser's out. And he'll show up when he's ready I guess.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Busier now at work= no time to post...
I'm thinking that I'm gonna have to get a laptop soon or something so that when I'm at home (and after Monkey goes to bed for the night) that I can sit on the comfy couch (as opposed to a uncomfy rolly chair in the "office" at the house at a desktop comp) and type out a decent blog.
If only I had about $1500 for a Mac, or even a few hundred for a Dell... I'll get there. lol Patience grasshopper, patience.
Ok, so this training that I have been doing with (yikes) Miss PIE (Pompous Inflated Ego--soon to be added to the "Who the Heck...") is frying my brain. Let me back up a minute. Back when I had been volun-told to be on the company picnic committee (read: Chili Anyone?) I encountered Miss PIE. She is very hands on, all about it, get it done, etc. These are not bad traits to have, except when you whine and cry, bitch and moan, go to out of town meetings and interrupt the person who is presenting information to you and continually ask mounds of questions therefore making an ass and nuisance of yourself, in the meantime. She's married. Has kids, step kids, and from what I gather has a pretty busy home life. Her problem is that she thinks that she runs the show and can't keep her trap shut. In some ways, our job does entail that we are multi-tasking demons. And sometimes, we are left to our own devices to "make it happen". But she doesn't understand that she is not being paid the big bucks, therefore her opinion DOES NOT MATTER unless it is asked for.
There are major changes coming down the pipelines for her division. There has been a proposal to increase man power in order to free up those who are educated, qualified, and experienced to move into more managerial positions. Also to add another PCC (I have been asked for by name!!!) to fill this position which will eventually lead to a promotion and a more solid position within the ranks here. What SHE doesn't know is that her boss does not like her due to her constant opinionated behavior and that she is essentially training me to replace her. (I'm taking detailed notes.)
But in her defense, she does do a lot for one person. Bringing me on will help to alleviate some of the stress so,...I don't know really what's going to ultimately come of all this. I'm just sayin'.
So being in training most of the day does not leave me with a lot of time to post lately. For that, I am sorry. Please be patient with me and I'll do my best to prop my eyelids open with toothpicks to ensure a regular dose of "Gracie".
If only I had about $1500 for a Mac, or even a few hundred for a Dell... I'll get there. lol Patience grasshopper, patience.
Ok, so this training that I have been doing with (yikes) Miss PIE (Pompous Inflated Ego--soon to be added to the "Who the Heck...") is frying my brain. Let me back up a minute. Back when I had been volun-told to be on the company picnic committee (read: Chili Anyone?) I encountered Miss PIE. She is very hands on, all about it, get it done, etc. These are not bad traits to have, except when you whine and cry, bitch and moan, go to out of town meetings and interrupt the person who is presenting information to you and continually ask mounds of questions therefore making an ass and nuisance of yourself, in the meantime. She's married. Has kids, step kids, and from what I gather has a pretty busy home life. Her problem is that she thinks that she runs the show and can't keep her trap shut. In some ways, our job does entail that we are multi-tasking demons. And sometimes, we are left to our own devices to "make it happen". But she doesn't understand that she is not being paid the big bucks, therefore her opinion DOES NOT MATTER unless it is asked for.
There are major changes coming down the pipelines for her division. There has been a proposal to increase man power in order to free up those who are educated, qualified, and experienced to move into more managerial positions. Also to add another PCC (I have been asked for by name!!!) to fill this position which will eventually lead to a promotion and a more solid position within the ranks here. What SHE doesn't know is that her boss does not like her due to her constant opinionated behavior and that she is essentially training me to replace her. (I'm taking detailed notes.)
But in her defense, she does do a lot for one person. Bringing me on will help to alleviate some of the stress so,...I don't know really what's going to ultimately come of all this. I'm just sayin'.
So being in training most of the day does not leave me with a lot of time to post lately. For that, I am sorry. Please be patient with me and I'll do my best to prop my eyelids open with toothpicks to ensure a regular dose of "Gracie".
Monday, July 12, 2010
Fear, Courage, Murder.
The story I am about to tell you deals with fear, courage, and murder. For those of you with heart conditions or are in your third trimester of pregnancy, this would be your cue to leave the theater. Please be courteous of others and do so quietly.
Our story took place yesterday afternoon. My aunt had made a roast dinner and invited everyone over for a nice meal together. Sis and I had made plans to go shopping together after Monkey woke up from his nap but side stepped a bit in our shopping plans in order to go eat with everyone. No big deal. Monkey woke up a couple hours later, was changed, dressed and made really to leave. I grabbed the keys and the diaper bag and we were walking out the door. Heck. Yeah.
I drive a Nissan Xterra. The handles on that thing are the type that you put your fingers through and pull out.
I have the diaper bag slung over my left shoulder and have Monkey sitting on my left hip while I'm unlocking the X using a keyless remote fob. I get to the driver's door, so I can lean in and start the car to get the A/C going (because it is hotter than two squirrels getting it on in a wool sock right now in Texas), and put my hand in the handle to open the door. Then it happens. My pinky finger touches something that is not ever there. I have opened this door using this handle HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of times and NEVER has this thing been there. FEAR. I was looking at and talking to Monkey when it happened but as soon as I felt it, (at break neck speed) my head whipped around to investigate what I feared it to be just to have my suspicions confirmed.
A spider.
An m-effin SPIDER decided to spin a freaking web on the backside of my door handle!!!! And not just any spider of a small sort. This damn thing was a medium sized, ugly-ass, nasty looking thing with bright ORANGE legs!!!! Remembering that I am holding my 1.3 year old son and that I can't do the Barney Rubble foot shuffle into a ninja back flip to get away from the SOB, I allow myself a mental "SQUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!" and a few choice words mumbled under my breath cause I seriously felt like throwing up all over the place. It was hot outside but the sweat on my brow had nothing to do with the heat. I mean, it's bad enough to see them, but to touch one?! Oh no. "I'll fix your ass in a minute...effer."
So I walked around to the passenger side, spot check the handle there (never know, they could be plotting on me and planning an invasion big enough to stop my heart and kill me so that they could eat me... *looking around suspiciously from side to side*) and proceed to lean in to get the A/C going. After getting Monkey buckled in and set in the now cooling car, I set my mind on this nasty little problem I had on the other side. It's hot out so I'm already good and mad that I'm not sitting in my car in the A/C too and on my way to fill my tummy. "Oh yeah, you're gonna get it now, sucker."
Courage. I spy the water hose neatly wound up on the porch and decide that I'm gonna blast it's ass off my car. After doing so, I see the vile nastiness scampering across the driveway through the lake of water I just shot at it. Oh. Hell. No. You are NOT getting away with scaring the hell fire out of me and living to tell the tale to all your other friends about the chick who's heart you almost stopped. F that. Murder. I dropped the hose, walked around the car and planted a size 9 Reef flip flop right on top of him. Squished his ass right IN to the the concrete. How's THAT for hell fire, bitch?
As a result of this trauma, I now check the back side of my handle for the disgusting creeps prior to entering my vehicle. I can't help it. My fear of spiders stems from when I was a child and running around outside. I face planted a web that happened to be the home of one of those wicked looking spiders that's black and yellow and leaves zig-zag's in their webs. Yeah. Right on the side of my face. I was doing the nails down your face, get-it-out-of-my-hair dance. I squirm when I think about them. *gag* Even the little ones. I can't handle it.
LOL I know y'all are thinking, "And this chick was a Marine?!" I know, I know. Look, I just don't like spiders. We all have our kryptonite. Spiders are mine.
Our story took place yesterday afternoon. My aunt had made a roast dinner and invited everyone over for a nice meal together. Sis and I had made plans to go shopping together after Monkey woke up from his nap but side stepped a bit in our shopping plans in order to go eat with everyone. No big deal. Monkey woke up a couple hours later, was changed, dressed and made really to leave. I grabbed the keys and the diaper bag and we were walking out the door. Heck. Yeah.
I drive a Nissan Xterra. The handles on that thing are the type that you put your fingers through and pull out.
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It looks exactly like this one here. |
A spider.
An m-effin SPIDER decided to spin a freaking web on the backside of my door handle!!!! And not just any spider of a small sort. This damn thing was a medium sized, ugly-ass, nasty looking thing with bright ORANGE legs!!!! Remembering that I am holding my 1.3 year old son and that I can't do the Barney Rubble foot shuffle into a ninja back flip to get away from the SOB, I allow myself a mental "SQUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!" and a few choice words mumbled under my breath cause I seriously felt like throwing up all over the place. It was hot outside but the sweat on my brow had nothing to do with the heat. I mean, it's bad enough to see them, but to touch one?! Oh no. "I'll fix your ass in a minute...effer."
So I walked around to the passenger side, spot check the handle there (never know, they could be plotting on me and planning an invasion big enough to stop my heart and kill me so that they could eat me... *looking around suspiciously from side to side*) and proceed to lean in to get the A/C going. After getting Monkey buckled in and set in the now cooling car, I set my mind on this nasty little problem I had on the other side. It's hot out so I'm already good and mad that I'm not sitting in my car in the A/C too and on my way to fill my tummy. "Oh yeah, you're gonna get it now, sucker."
Courage. I spy the water hose neatly wound up on the porch and decide that I'm gonna blast it's ass off my car. After doing so, I see the vile nastiness scampering across the driveway through the lake of water I just shot at it. Oh. Hell. No. You are NOT getting away with scaring the hell fire out of me and living to tell the tale to all your other friends about the chick who's heart you almost stopped. F that. Murder. I dropped the hose, walked around the car and planted a size 9 Reef flip flop right on top of him. Squished his ass right IN to the the concrete. How's THAT for hell fire, bitch?
As a result of this trauma, I now check the back side of my handle for the disgusting creeps prior to entering my vehicle. I can't help it. My fear of spiders stems from when I was a child and running around outside. I face planted a web that happened to be the home of one of those wicked looking spiders that's black and yellow and leaves zig-zag's in their webs. Yeah. Right on the side of my face. I was doing the nails down your face, get-it-out-of-my-hair dance. I squirm when I think about them. *gag* Even the little ones. I can't handle it.
LOL I know y'all are thinking, "And this chick was a Marine?!" I know, I know. Look, I just don't like spiders. We all have our kryptonite. Spiders are mine.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Oh no. That did NOT just happen.
I got up this morning at a decent time. I know this because I had time to shave my neglected legs in the shower. I knew what I was going to wear last night because we have to go to an awards ceremony today and boss man wanted us all to wear our Special Olympics Volunteer shirts like good little boys and girls. *gag me with a rusty spoon* So I get my clothes on, pull my hair back, spray the smell good on (today's fragrance is Clinique Happy) and decided that I needed to just do my makeup at work (like usual). I already had a bag in my back pack with my stuff in it, just needed to throw my MAC Moon's Reflection in there. I got all the way to work and realized that I didn't put a darker color like, Print, in my bag. Damn it to hell and back on greased lightning!!!!!! So now, my plans for a new color scheme on my face are shot to shit and it's annoying me that I have to be up that early anyway because I DON'T THINK STRAIGHT BEFORE 7 AM!!!!! (It was about 5 when I got out of the shower...)
Anywhoo...So on my way home last night I stopped in at Compass Trading Co. It's kind of like a Sam Moon or a Charming Charlie's. Fun, cute, and relatively inexpensive jewelry, handbags, luggage and accessories. I picked up a few more pairs of earrings and this super cute wallet with a fleur de lis on it. As I used to live an hour outside of New Orleans and recently visited there, the fleur de lis has once again become a favorite. So in the spirit of my past and liking it now in the future, I purchased this WAY cute wallet thingy:
Too cute, right? And for $14.99, it was mine.
Mr. G and I continue to text...
Mr Italian and I continue to talk as well though...I'm lost and so confused as to what to do about him. See, when we talk and text, it's so easy for me to start to wonder what it would be like this time around if we got back together. He's never even met Monkey but already loves him because he is mine. And there is not a doubt in my mind, not even a shadow of a doubt that he would be a good father figure should he become, once again, my significant other. And that is probably more important than how he would treat me. I'm an adult woman. I could handle it if he didn't treat me well (I'd handle him right out the door!) But to not treat my son well...Dude, you better head on down the road and I ain't playin'. And he has reiterated that he loves me and always has...he even confessed that he thought of me at times when he was with his exgf (the one he was with for like, 7 years). I asked him why they didn't get married. He said aside from the fact that she cheated on him, he knew he wasn't with who he was supposed to be with. That, he says, being me. He says that he is positive, POSITIVE, that I am the one he is supposed to settle down with and that if having me means that Monkey is also in the picture...that he is just fine with that too and welcomes the role as a father figure to Monkey.
Mr. Italian cannot have children. I won't go into why but knowing that he can't often leads him to be more affectionate (not in a creepy pedophile kind of way) towards his friends' kids and he likes to spoil them with whatever they want. Don't worry,...he and I have had the "don't spoil my kid because I have to live with him" talk. And if I say no to something, it means no because I'm the parent. He hates that but respects it. LOL Conflicted. Conflicted because he lives so far away and it's too easy. Don't tell me you love me. Show me. The men in my past have taught me how to say 'if". IF we get back together, IF we get married, IF, IF, IF!!!! Stop it with the IF's!! SHOW me! Show me that you love me. Show me that you care enough to say vows to me and accept mine and hold them dear and close to your heart. Show me that you'd rather cut off every extremity that you have before you would break them. SHOW ME!
Just so that I can spread this wealth of side splitting funniness (is that a word?), you need to head over to Red Means Go and read her Duck Face post. It made me laugh but you have to watch the video!!! It's got some language in it but beyond funny and SO true.
One of these days I'll have everything figured out. I'll be dead, but I'll have it all figured out. lol
Anywhoo...So on my way home last night I stopped in at Compass Trading Co. It's kind of like a Sam Moon or a Charming Charlie's. Fun, cute, and relatively inexpensive jewelry, handbags, luggage and accessories. I picked up a few more pairs of earrings and this super cute wallet with a fleur de lis on it. As I used to live an hour outside of New Orleans and recently visited there, the fleur de lis has once again become a favorite. So in the spirit of my past and liking it now in the future, I purchased this WAY cute wallet thingy:
Mr. G and I continue to text...
Mr Italian and I continue to talk as well though...I'm lost and so confused as to what to do about him. See, when we talk and text, it's so easy for me to start to wonder what it would be like this time around if we got back together. He's never even met Monkey but already loves him because he is mine. And there is not a doubt in my mind, not even a shadow of a doubt that he would be a good father figure should he become, once again, my significant other. And that is probably more important than how he would treat me. I'm an adult woman. I could handle it if he didn't treat me well (I'd handle him right out the door!) But to not treat my son well...Dude, you better head on down the road and I ain't playin'. And he has reiterated that he loves me and always has...he even confessed that he thought of me at times when he was with his exgf (the one he was with for like, 7 years). I asked him why they didn't get married. He said aside from the fact that she cheated on him, he knew he wasn't with who he was supposed to be with. That, he says, being me. He says that he is positive, POSITIVE, that I am the one he is supposed to settle down with and that if having me means that Monkey is also in the picture...that he is just fine with that too and welcomes the role as a father figure to Monkey.
Mr. Italian cannot have children. I won't go into why but knowing that he can't often leads him to be more affectionate (not in a creepy pedophile kind of way) towards his friends' kids and he likes to spoil them with whatever they want. Don't worry,...he and I have had the "don't spoil my kid because I have to live with him" talk. And if I say no to something, it means no because I'm the parent. He hates that but respects it. LOL Conflicted. Conflicted because he lives so far away and it's too easy. Don't tell me you love me. Show me. The men in my past have taught me how to say 'if". IF we get back together, IF we get married, IF, IF, IF!!!! Stop it with the IF's!! SHOW me! Show me that you love me. Show me that you care enough to say vows to me and accept mine and hold them dear and close to your heart. Show me that you'd rather cut off every extremity that you have before you would break them. SHOW ME!
Just so that I can spread this wealth of side splitting funniness (is that a word?), you need to head over to Red Means Go and read her Duck Face post. It made me laugh but you have to watch the video!!! It's got some language in it but beyond funny and SO true.
One of these days I'll have everything figured out. I'll be dead, but I'll have it all figured out. lol
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
There are just some things...
This is somewhat of a sober post in reference to something I found on the web earlier that I wanted to share with you. I hope you take the time to read it after my rambles as it made my eyes water.
I don't write very much about the time that I served my country in the United States Marine Corps, but, I will tell you now that the world looks like a much different place from within those ranks. Due to recovering from surgery just prior to my squadron deploying to Iraq, I was transferred to another squadron and missed the opportunity to see the sands. (I deployed later with the squadron I transferred to, just to another part of the world.) Many of my friends went and are there today providing air support to the troops on the ground and "in the shit". By providing air support I mean that we were the maintainers of F/A-18 Hornets. By maintaining our jets, our pilots were able to get in, drop the ordnance, and get out therefore enabling the troops on the ground to proceed with their duties. It didn't seem like anything but just the normal everyday business as usual back then, but when I look at the big picture quiets my soul to know that I was a part of something bigger than any of us truly realize.
And how many of you know someone or know someone who know's someone who gave their life for that right? Here in Texas, there are a lot that have, do, and will serve their country. We are a patriotic state. My brother is serving right now overseas, working on the same jets I did. My cousin is in training to fly the jets that my brother and I worked on. In our family, we are patriots. We respect the lives laid down at our feet so that we may walk the path of freedom everyday.
I found something while going through my email today that I hope you'll take the time to read. It's a poem written by a former Marine (there are no "ex" Marines) after he got out at the end of his active duty obligations. It's called "Alive". There are just some things that we can never understand unless we have been there and done that. Having served, I saw the behind the scenes look at our military and know just what sacrifices are made everyday by those in uniform. Have some respect and keep them in your prayers. They're doing what most of us don't want to do and what some of us can't. God bless our military and keep them safe.
I don't write very much about the time that I served my country in the United States Marine Corps, but, I will tell you now that the world looks like a much different place from within those ranks. Due to recovering from surgery just prior to my squadron deploying to Iraq, I was transferred to another squadron and missed the opportunity to see the sands. (I deployed later with the squadron I transferred to, just to another part of the world.) Many of my friends went and are there today providing air support to the troops on the ground and "in the shit". By providing air support I mean that we were the maintainers of F/A-18 Hornets. By maintaining our jets, our pilots were able to get in, drop the ordnance, and get out therefore enabling the troops on the ground to proceed with their duties. It didn't seem like anything but just the normal everyday business as usual back then, but when I look at the big picture quiets my soul to know that I was a part of something bigger than any of us truly realize.
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One of our jets, I think this was over Key West. |
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Our "Digi" (short for digital) jet affectionately referred to as "Nuts" for the double 00. |
(I found these pictures on the web also but I have actually turned a wrench or two on that particular jet!! She was a pain in the ass sometimes but she sure is pretty.)
When they say, "Freedom isn't free..." they mean it. It's not just a catch phrase someone makes a lot of money off of. It's the truth and it's chilling how some disregard it at a whim and never take the time to wonder what it would be like if the fight was here on our land. What it would be like to be made to cover your mothers face as well as your own in the scorching heat of a Texas summer instead of lounging around a swimming pool and laughing with all of your friends while you don a swimsuit that you would be killed for wearing. We take for granted (me included sometimes) being able to say what we want with little to no real danger of repercussions because of our first amendment rights. How many of us loud, opinionated southern women would be slain within 3 minutes of opening our mouths in a world where women are to be seen and not heard?
And how many of you know someone or know someone who know's someone who gave their life for that right? Here in Texas, there are a lot that have, do, and will serve their country. We are a patriotic state. My brother is serving right now overseas, working on the same jets I did. My cousin is in training to fly the jets that my brother and I worked on. In our family, we are patriots. We respect the lives laid down at our feet so that we may walk the path of freedom everyday.
I found something while going through my email today that I hope you'll take the time to read. It's a poem written by a former Marine (there are no "ex" Marines) after he got out at the end of his active duty obligations. It's called "Alive". There are just some things that we can never understand unless we have been there and done that. Having served, I saw the behind the scenes look at our military and know just what sacrifices are made everyday by those in uniform. Have some respect and keep them in your prayers. They're doing what most of us don't want to do and what some of us can't. God bless our military and keep them safe.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Hurry UP already!!!
I get off work at 4:30 everyday. It's 5 minutes to 4 right now and I'm: 1) bored out of my skull, 2) tired as all get out, 3) ready to head on down the road.
I have made these promises to myself (Today. Within the last 5 minutes...):
- I WILL make it for another 30 minutes without face planting my desk and severely burning my face with the coffee I am attempting to intake in hopes to battle the afternoon sludge that has taken over my brain and eyelids.
- I WILL go to bed early tonight no matter how tempting that t.v. show is that dad might be watching, or how nice it would be to start another book.
- I WILL get my LAZY ass out of bed in the morning and make it do Day 1 of the 30 Day Shred DVD I bought and haven't done at all yet.
- I WILL get that last load of laundry done today when I get home and get it off my floor in hopes that my blood pressure will resume it's normal level...
- I WILL make sure that Monkey has the things that he needs for daycare put into a bag and ready for transport in the morning because I went retarded and completely spaced and didn't send them with him this morning...shame on me.
-Tomorrow, I WILL clean up this office and get it ready for a fresh coat of paint on the walls. It's disgusting in here and I can't handle it cramps my creative style...and that ain't gonna fly anymore.
- I WILL stop "snacking" so much and making myself feel like a cow all day. Bovine graze. I shall not anymore. Drink more water, heffer.
- I WILL attempt to not screw myself and dip into the $300 dollars that I threw into my savings account yesterday in hopes to recover from my frivolous spending habits lately. No Gracie, you really don't need that new Droid phone, suck it up and wait your time out for an upgrade!
- I WILL stop looking at that stupid clock every thirty seconds in hopes that the hands have miraculously moved 5 more minutes in my favor. Gosh! Hurry UP already!!!
I'm ready to pick Monkey up from daycare and kiss his chubby little cheeks!! I'm also ready to get into my X and blare the radio while singing at the tops of my lungs while getting to the daycare. LOL Think, obnoxious. 20 minutes down and about 15 to go. That should give me enough time to gather my things and make a pit-stop in the ladies room before hittin' the road... Nice.
If you hit traffic on the way home as I most often do, stay safe and blog at ya later!
I have made these promises to myself (Today. Within the last 5 minutes...):
- I WILL make it for another 30 minutes without face planting my desk and severely burning my face with the coffee I am attempting to intake in hopes to battle the afternoon sludge that has taken over my brain and eyelids.
- I WILL go to bed early tonight no matter how tempting that t.v. show is that dad might be watching, or how nice it would be to start another book.
- I WILL get my LAZY ass out of bed in the morning and make it do Day 1 of the 30 Day Shred DVD I bought and haven't done at all yet.
- I WILL get that last load of laundry done today when I get home and get it off my floor in hopes that my blood pressure will resume it's normal level...
- I WILL make sure that Monkey has the things that he needs for daycare put into a bag and ready for transport in the morning because I went retarded and completely spaced and didn't send them with him this morning...shame on me.
-Tomorrow, I WILL clean up this office and get it ready for a fresh coat of paint on the walls. It's disgusting in here and I can't handle it cramps my creative style...and that ain't gonna fly anymore.
- I WILL stop "snacking" so much and making myself feel like a cow all day. Bovine graze. I shall not anymore. Drink more water, heffer.
- I WILL attempt to not screw myself and dip into the $300 dollars that I threw into my savings account yesterday in hopes to recover from my frivolous spending habits lately. No Gracie, you really don't need that new Droid phone, suck it up and wait your time out for an upgrade!
- I WILL stop looking at that stupid clock every thirty seconds in hopes that the hands have miraculously moved 5 more minutes in my favor. Gosh! Hurry UP already!!!
I'm ready to pick Monkey up from daycare and kiss his chubby little cheeks!! I'm also ready to get into my X and blare the radio while singing at the tops of my lungs while getting to the daycare. LOL Think, obnoxious. 20 minutes down and about 15 to go. That should give me enough time to gather my things and make a pit-stop in the ladies room before hittin' the road... Nice.
If you hit traffic on the way home as I most often do, stay safe and blog at ya later!
Odds, Ends and some Gracie ramblings.
Ok. I don't know what the hell happened to me over this last weekend but I am drained. I've had coffee this morning and everything! Battery is still on "dangerously low". It might have something to do with the fact that I laid in bed last night until about midnight to finish the book I was reading. Yeah, that's prolly it. Damn my love for reading!!!!!
This was what I had my mitts on last night and was so desperate to finish. It's the 8th book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series and it was freaking great!! If you read the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton or the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris, you should be able to appreciate this series. The vampires in it are a little different than your average everyday vampire written about everywhere else, but I'll be damned if they aren't addicting.
And I have recently, as in Sunday night, found my new favorite shampoo and conditioner!
I picked it up at Walmart after smelling it (cause I am a smell-good-aholic) and used it in my next shower. My hair smells SO good!! They make several different kinds (this one is hydrating) and in several different fragrances (I think Coconut Milk will be my next one). But my hair doesn't feel funky either. Major bonus.
Hello. My name is Gracie. And I'm addicted to Scentsy. I'm serious. Lass started liking Scentsy shortly after I quit working with her to have Monkey and she soon there after became a consultant. So in essence, she is my supplier. (LOL) If you are not familiar with Scentsy here's a quick run down to give you the low down.
"Unique Scentsy warmers use a low-watt bulb to melt specially formulated wax slowly, maximizing it's fragrance time. With no flame, soot, or wick, the Scentsy wickless candle system is a safe way to enjoy more than 80 Scentsy fragrances." (I took this quote straight from the catalog.)
Currently, I am sniffin' on a fragrance called, and get this..."Skinny Dippin'". It's described as "Fresh green apples perfectly harmonized with refreshing melons and juicy pears. Let me just tell ya. It's one of my favorites!!!
And currently, as in as we speak, I am trying to revive my Twitter account. It's giving me anxiety. Stupid thing. UGH!!
*grumble* I really do need to get back to work. Hope y'all are having a good Tuesday!!
This was what I had my mitts on last night and was so desperate to finish. It's the 8th book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series and it was freaking great!! If you read the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton or the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris, you should be able to appreciate this series. The vampires in it are a little different than your average everyday vampire written about everywhere else, but I'll be damned if they aren't addicting.
And I have recently, as in Sunday night, found my new favorite shampoo and conditioner!
I picked it up at Walmart after smelling it (cause I am a smell-good-aholic) and used it in my next shower. My hair smells SO good!! They make several different kinds (this one is hydrating) and in several different fragrances (I think Coconut Milk will be my next one). But my hair doesn't feel funky either. Major bonus.
Hello. My name is Gracie. And I'm addicted to Scentsy. I'm serious. Lass started liking Scentsy shortly after I quit working with her to have Monkey and she soon there after became a consultant. So in essence, she is my supplier. (LOL) If you are not familiar with Scentsy here's a quick run down to give you the low down.
"Unique Scentsy warmers use a low-watt bulb to melt specially formulated wax slowly, maximizing it's fragrance time. With no flame, soot, or wick, the Scentsy wickless candle system is a safe way to enjoy more than 80 Scentsy fragrances." (I took this quote straight from the catalog.)
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Just an example...and they have all KINDS of different warmers!! |
And currently, as in as we speak, I am trying to revive my Twitter account. It's giving me anxiety. Stupid thing. UGH!!
*grumble* I really do need to get back to work. Hope y'all are having a good Tuesday!!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Thank you for not smoking.
Today makes 55 days since I quit smoking. And I must say that this time has been the easiest. Aside from the heinous sinus infection I got that turned into a month and a half of bronchitis... A Z-pack (Azythromycin= antibiotic) fixed that right up though. As I said, this time has been, by far, the easiest. I rarely get cravings and just as soon as I get them, they're gone. I think about how awful I felt when I was smoking and how my lungs always felt tight and constricted, and how the taste of it was so gross and lingering...ew. As a smoker, I was kind of...I don't even know how to put it or what to call myself. I hated the smell, and the fact that it made my hair, clothes and skin smell awful. I hated the way it made my mouth taste and how it would draw me out into freezing cold or scorching hot weather just to contribute to my own death. Blech. But I am an addict. I am addicted to nicotine. I'm a "recovering" addict as I no longer consider myself a smoker, but nevertheless, I am an addict. I cannot say that I will NEVER smoke again. That's just tempting fate. And that is stupid. lol
Last night Monkey woke up with a 103.1 degree fever. Fucking frustrating. He's on this antibiotic three times a day and he's running a fever?! WTF?! That poor baby. I'm frustrated because he's already fighting staph, he seems to be doing pretty good and the infection sites are looking MUCH better, and now this stupid fever is playing peek-a-boo. My mom is at home with him right now (I'm working a half a day and she'll work this afternoon...) and she called me earlier to tell me that he woke up and has about a 101 degree fever right now. It's not as high as it was earlier but I think I am still going to take him in today. This staph crap scares me and I'd much rather err on the side of caution than be sorry later. In my previous post, I said that I burned through all my sick time and am into my annual leave. That was kind of bothering me at one point but as of this morning, I don't give a rat's ass how much time I burn...I've got to get my son healthy. This is ridiculous. And nerve wracking. And scary.
Last night Monkey woke up with a 103.1 degree fever. Fucking frustrating. He's on this antibiotic three times a day and he's running a fever?! WTF?! That poor baby. I'm frustrated because he's already fighting staph, he seems to be doing pretty good and the infection sites are looking MUCH better, and now this stupid fever is playing peek-a-boo. My mom is at home with him right now (I'm working a half a day and she'll work this afternoon...) and she called me earlier to tell me that he woke up and has about a 101 degree fever right now. It's not as high as it was earlier but I think I am still going to take him in today. This staph crap scares me and I'd much rather err on the side of caution than be sorry later. In my previous post, I said that I burned through all my sick time and am into my annual leave. That was kind of bothering me at one point but as of this morning, I don't give a rat's ass how much time I burn...I've got to get my son healthy. This is ridiculous. And nerve wracking. And scary.
I think that Mr. Italian is trying to test my nerves. (Not really. lol) He is in an area for the week, on work business, that has little to no cell reception. *sigh* This bothers me. I cannot reach him. He cannot reach me. It's just annoying. I have become accustomed to texting or calling him whenever the hell I want to and receiving a reply in either case...that same day. He works A LOT so sometimes the reply is not instantaneous (which bugs the crap out of but it's almost always the same day. Grr.
The picture above depicts two of my most favorite products. The left is a day face lotion called Radiance. It has an SPF 15 sunscreen in it, smells good, and lasts for a while. You can see that I have only used down to the top of "Bee's" and I've had it since January I believe. Great to put on underneath makeup. And to the right is Rosewater & Glycerin Toner (for sensitive and mature skin). I have rosacea and that qualifies my skin as sensitive. After washing my face and before using Radiance, I use this toner. Another smell good product, I like how fresh my face feels after swabbing a cotton round with this stuff on it over my face and neck. Love them. When I first purchased them, I thought they were a little on the pricey side (Radiance was like $17 or so, the toner was up there too) but after using them and really liking them, I have decided that they are the next staples in my beauty regime. They lasted a heck of a lot longer than I expected too so that was a plus!
Updates on Monkey as I get them...
I think that Mr. Italian is trying to test my nerves. (Not really. lol) He is in an area for the week, on work business, that has little to no cell reception. *sigh* This bothers me. I cannot reach him. He cannot reach me. It's just annoying. I have become accustomed to texting or calling him whenever the hell I want to and receiving a reply in either case...that same day. He works A LOT so sometimes the reply is not instantaneous (which bugs the crap out of but it's almost always the same day. Grr.
(Well, since my cursor is stuck on the middle alignment and refusing to change back to left alignment...)
Updates on Monkey as I get them...
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