So here I sit, in my living room, the day after Christmas. My brother is playing Call of Duty: Black Ops, my two cousins are sitting here with us, and my dad is holding Monkey while I type this quick post my Nook. For those of you who don't know, its the Barnes & Noble e-reader. I got the Nook Color and this thing is freaking awesome. It does way more than I thought it would. I am content. I got a few various other things as well but this was the big one. Way. Cool. Google it.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Just friggin' great...
It is windy today. Really. Friggin'. Windy. And I decided that just a little bit before lunch, since I'm at work and bored to tears, that I wanted to go to Target and pick up some things for me and Monkey to wear for our pictures on Friday. As I was leaving, the wind ripped my car door out of my hand and slammed SLAMMED it into the car door next to me. My SUV is white and there was a 10 inch long vertical line of paint transfer on this door. So I booked it. Just kidding. I left a note explaining what happened with my name and number (I didn't want to leave my insurance info on a note that was going to blow away just as soon as it worked itself out from under the wind shield wiper blade) and went about my business. Then I realized whose car it is and told her as soon as I got back. She didn't kill me.
I have recently decided that I want to run a marathon. No. I'm serious. Pick yourself up off the ground and stop laughing at me!! I'm not gonna just go run one. I'll start small. A mile. Once I get that down, I'll bump it to two miles. So on and so forth. Mark my words. Come hell or high water, I will figure it out. Anyone know how to run without getting shin splints?
And our lovely tree this year...
Ooookay. I don't have anything else interesting for you. Not really.
I have recently decided that I want to run a marathon. No. I'm serious. Pick yourself up off the ground and stop laughing at me!! I'm not gonna just go run one. I'll start small. A mile. Once I get that down, I'll bump it to two miles. So on and so forth. Mark my words. Come hell or high water, I will figure it out. Anyone know how to run without getting shin splints?
And our lovely tree this year...
Ooookay. I don't have anything else interesting for you. Not really.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Grey or Silver?
Ah. There's nothing like the feeling you get when you have just been informed that your credit score just went another 20 points. I decided to quit carrying that stupid credit card around. I know I've told y'all that. (BTW, Randy Rogers Band is playing in the background...Memory...One of my favorites from them...just sayin') But recently, I was on-line and discovered that they increased my maximum limit on that stupid thing. Two things happened at once: I just about pee'd myself with excitement as that is more money (kinda) to spend and I immediately scolded myself because THAT's the kind of thinking that got me in this debt bind in the FIRST place. Really, Gracie? And this is why I no longer carry it. LOL Now, in doing that (raising the limit), the credit union inadvertently did me a wonderful favor. The balance is now no where near the limit and does not reflect a high balance...thus making me look good in the eyes of the credit world. Aaand, since I don't carry it but do pay on it, that gap will continue to get bigger and bigger. This is a good thing. So, thanks Navy Fed. You did me a favor. Cheers!
I noticed something today. I have mixed feelings about it... There is not one spot on my head where I can part my hair...and there is not silver roots. I have been dying my hair since I was 21 and got my first silver strand at the tender age of 16. Thanks mom. (She got her first one at 18.) My hair has been red, black, tri colored (brown base with red and blond streaks...THAT was awwesome!!!), brown, violet, and a delightful shade of eggplant purple. Strand Therapist got married last weekend and was not able to do work her magic... well, someone asked me what color my hair is "supposed" to be yesterday. It has become an absolute priority that I receive strand TLC this weekend. One of these days I will let it grow out and be natural, but I'm just not ready to put 10 years on my face, at the age of 30, just because of my hair color. Vain, I know. Lord, please forgive me.
We set up our tree last night and I completely forgot to take a picture of it. I'm thinking I might take pictures with Monkey next to it and maybe that will be our Christmas Card photo. Speaking of which, I REALLY need to get cracking on that!! I'll post a picture tomorrow.
*Sigh. I don't remember if I told y'all or not but I was diagnose with Mono a few weeks ago. It was on the heels of three Strep cases and I have officially been sick now for close to 2.5 months. I am exhausted. I am sleep deprived, tired, worn out, and so unmotivated to do ANYTHING that it makes me want to cry. Seriously, I don't think I've spent more than 5 minutes on makeup for weeks and quite frankly, I don't remember the last time I did that. I'm sure it will pass but I'm going to call my doctor today. My tonsils are so swollen all the time that if I lay a certain way on my pillow, the damn things somewhat block my airway. can we say: So. NOT. Cool. ? Aside from being tired of being tired, I'm also tired of being in pain all the time. So, a phone call and finding out what my options are is in order. Wish me luck.
My lack of motivation has not impaired my eye though. And that "eye" has been on this baby here:
I noticed something today. I have mixed feelings about it... There is not one spot on my head where I can part my hair...and there is not silver roots. I have been dying my hair since I was 21 and got my first silver strand at the tender age of 16. Thanks mom. (She got her first one at 18.) My hair has been red, black, tri colored (brown base with red and blond streaks...THAT was awwesome!!!), brown, violet, and a delightful shade of eggplant purple. Strand Therapist got married last weekend and was not able to do work her magic... well, someone asked me what color my hair is "supposed" to be yesterday. It has become an absolute priority that I receive strand TLC this weekend. One of these days I will let it grow out and be natural, but I'm just not ready to put 10 years on my face, at the age of 30, just because of my hair color. Vain, I know. Lord, please forgive me.
We set up our tree last night and I completely forgot to take a picture of it. I'm thinking I might take pictures with Monkey next to it and maybe that will be our Christmas Card photo. Speaking of which, I REALLY need to get cracking on that!! I'll post a picture tomorrow.
*Sigh. I don't remember if I told y'all or not but I was diagnose with Mono a few weeks ago. It was on the heels of three Strep cases and I have officially been sick now for close to 2.5 months. I am exhausted. I am sleep deprived, tired, worn out, and so unmotivated to do ANYTHING that it makes me want to cry. Seriously, I don't think I've spent more than 5 minutes on makeup for weeks and quite frankly, I don't remember the last time I did that. I'm sure it will pass but I'm going to call my doctor today. My tonsils are so swollen all the time that if I lay a certain way on my pillow, the damn things somewhat block my airway. can we say: So. NOT. Cool. ? Aside from being tired of being tired, I'm also tired of being in pain all the time. So, a phone call and finding out what my options are is in order. Wish me luck.
My lack of motivation has not impaired my eye though. And that "eye" has been on this baby here:
It's the Tarte Jewelry Box 2010 palette. 16 shimmer colors, and 16 matte colors. Hello! No one does that!! That's why this one is super awesome.
Ok...I'm gonna call the doc now. My throat hurts. :(
Hope y'all have a wonderful day and remember: there is always, always, always something to be thankful for.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Generation Y
While going through some news this morning, using various avenues of clicking, something caught my eye and immediately alarmed me. Teen girls getting pregnant to score auditions for reality Teen Pregnancy shows.
WHAT THE F!@# ARE THEY THINKING? And WHERE are their parents in this?!!!
Eh. Might not go THAT far (taking away all his clothes), but I am choosing to raise my son to know that he has choices in life and that he will have to live with the consequences of his actions. Go to school and get an education so that you can be a productive, contributing member of society with a shot at having what you want in life, or drop out and make life that much harder because you don't have an education. (***NOT graduating high school is NOT an option in my house.***) Becoming pregnant just so you can score an AUDITION isn't either. I'm just saying. I'm a firm believer that parents need to get a grip on bringing up their children and make some more effort to instill good morals and values. Be a PARENT to your child, not their FRIEND. Sure. You can teach them that having the finer things in life is good. But teach them that they must work hard to obtain those things. Nothing worth having ever comes free.
WHAT THE F!@# ARE THEY THINKING? And WHERE are their parents in this?!!!
Has our society REALLY gone THAT far off the deep end? The answer is: yes. Yes, it has. I may or may not have mentioned in a previous post (and I'm too lazy to go back and search for it...I'll explain later) that my generation and I believe this can be said for future generations, if the madness does not stop, that we are an "entitled" generation. We believe (I use "we" loosely of course as many of my friends and I do not think like this...) that we are entitled to special treatment. This entitlement is seen more in our children's generation...but it started with us. These kids are asking teachers why they aren't being PAID (!!!) to go to school since they are "forced" to be there. Are you serious? Geez Louise!! Bad grades are being REWARDED with shopping sprees, new gadgets...the best of everything.
I will have no part in my son growing up to be an entitled brat. Yeah that's right. I said it. A freaking brat. His grades will be rewarded as I see fit. Pull good grades and I won't ground you until the following's that? Be polite and respectful to your teachers and other students and I won't yank your butt off of every extracurricular activity you are currently in. See. This is what gets me. Bullies. I WILL NOT TOLERATE MY SON BULLYING ANOTHER PERSON BE IT STUDENT OR OTHERWISE.
I know what it feels like to be bullied. I'd have liked to kick the teeth down that chicks throat for telling me my voice grated on her last nerves (and I don't have an abnormal or irritating voice) and to shut up so she didn't have to listen to me in the 5th grade. But I didn't. My self esteem suffered. I know better NOW. If you don't like my voice, leave. Simple solution to a ridiculous problem. Kids think they are so cool with their latest model shoes and expensive clothes. LOL The joke is on them. They're only as cool as their parents allow them to be. I'm not saying that I'm gonna dress my son in rags and look like PigPen when he goes to school...but let me find out that he is being a bully at school and picking on some other less fortunate child for their lack of finer threads. Believe you me. He will regret it to the inth degree. I will personally pack up every shred of finer thread he has and give it to that other child. And then I will take him to the Salvation Army or some other second hand store and let him know what it feels like to be teased. Tell me son, how "cool" are you now? Teasing a child because they do not have the best of everything is unacceptable to me. You should not tease the less fortunate. God has a funny way of switching roles on people...
Eh. Might not go THAT far (taking away all his clothes), but I am choosing to raise my son to know that he has choices in life and that he will have to live with the consequences of his actions. Go to school and get an education so that you can be a productive, contributing member of society with a shot at having what you want in life, or drop out and make life that much harder because you don't have an education. (***NOT graduating high school is NOT an option in my house.***) Becoming pregnant just so you can score an AUDITION isn't either. I'm just saying. I'm a firm believer that parents need to get a grip on bringing up their children and make some more effort to instill good morals and values. Be a PARENT to your child, not their FRIEND. Sure. You can teach them that having the finer things in life is good. But teach them that they must work hard to obtain those things. Nothing worth having ever comes free.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Hey there, hi there. Lots o' stuff to skim over today...
Some good news came in the form of my credit score the other day. Since I've backed off my credit card (as in I don't even carry that m-effer with me anymore) and brought themaxed high balance down from the brink of insanity, my credit score went up 20 points. FAN-FLIPPIN'-TASTIC!!!! You may or may not have any idea how much this pleases me. :)
Currently: I am smelling the yummy goodness that is "My Dear Watson" in my Scentsy warmer. No kidding it makes me want toclimb into the cutest man's clothing that I can find...with him still in them drool all over my desk. LOL The scent is described as "Refreshing bergamot contrasted with mint, cedar, and suede. Sophisticated and smart." I assure you, it's all it's cracked up to be. LOL
There is a twitch in my left eye lid. It's driving me nuts.
On Saturday night, I went hog hunting with my dad, cousin, and uncle. It was so flippin' fun!!! I unloaded my rifle three times and shot many. There were a few of us out there and we actually killed a couple, but with so many rifles, it was hard to tell who actually got them.
**Disclaimer: before y'all get all up in arms about hunting and killing animals, let me tell you about these hogs. They are nothing short of disgusting menaces to the farmers and land that they live on. They root around and tear up crops costing the farmers money, and have even been known to eat a calf as it's being born. So yeah. I've got no problems hunting those suckers. Besides. It feeds the buzzards. ;)
Some good news came in the form of my credit score the other day. Since I've backed off my credit card (as in I don't even carry that m-effer with me anymore) and brought the
Currently: I am smelling the yummy goodness that is "My Dear Watson" in my Scentsy warmer. No kidding it makes me want to
There is a twitch in my left eye lid. It's driving me nuts.
On Saturday night, I went hog hunting with my dad, cousin, and uncle. It was so flippin' fun!!! I unloaded my rifle three times and shot many. There were a few of us out there and we actually killed a couple, but with so many rifles, it was hard to tell who actually got them.
**Disclaimer: before y'all get all up in arms about hunting and killing animals, let me tell you about these hogs. They are nothing short of disgusting menaces to the farmers and land that they live on. They root around and tear up crops costing the farmers money, and have even been known to eat a calf as it's being born. So yeah. I've got no problems hunting those suckers. Besides. It feeds the buzzards. ;)
Friday, October 29, 2010
The bag of miracles and the flavor of love.
I carry my make up bag in my back pack that I take to work with me everyday. Some days it gets used, and others I could care less that it's in there. But, as I've stated before, I am always curious as to what's in that bag so I'll show you mine, if you show me yours!
I carry a mirror (the purple thing under the Ammo palette), Urban Decay Ammo, that's a Mary Kay quad compact (with Optic, Tulle, Snap, and Trendsetter), Bare Escentuals Mineral Veil, Bare Escentuals Mineral Foundation in medium, Bare Escentuals face duo. There's some Loreal Studio Secrets "face fixer" as I like to call it, in green, because green concealer tones down redness. A sample size of Benefit Garden of Good & Eva perfume (I like it), Clinique High Impact mascara and Loreal Voluminous mascara. Between the two I have decided that I will always be a fan of Clinique's WAY more than Loreal's. Brushes... A sharpener with a ponytail holder around it 'cause if that thing comes open in your bag it is a high holy mess... Nail clippers. Clinique lipstick in Raspberry Glace. NYX glosses in Brilliant (pink one) and Chestnut. Urban Decay Primer Potion in Eden (love this stuff!!!), ULTA brand eye shadows in Yogurt and Twinkle, MAC eye shadows in Swiss Chocolate and Nehru, tweezers for that unruly brow... Garnier Anti-Puff Eye Roller for those REALLY bad mornings. LOL Eyeliners: Clinique's Cream Shaper in Chocolate Lustre ** this is credited to Mrs. Adventure as she got me hooked on this one!!** and Urban Decay's 24/7 Glide On Eye Pencil in Zero. LOVE that liner!!! Last but not least, MAC lip pencil in Spice.
This is constantly changing but that's the concoction today. :)
Now, the flavor of love has many possibilities. Mine is currently in a state of vanilla. Kinda boring and a little dull. I have told y'all that I joined eHarmony. It's going ok. Most recently I have been corresponding with a guy who lives in Floresville. He's only got one picture up on his profile but it's a good one and he's attractive. This week we have sent a few messages back and forth and I like what I read. I sent him two lengthy replies recently and haven't heard back from him yet...probably thinks I'm Miss Run-My-Face-All-The-Time...LOL. I can be I suppose. I'm just as content just breathing though. I'm always super anxious to hear from him. He's had family staying with him this week through today so maybe our conversations will pick up some. Pssh! Who knows. All I know is that I am very interested in him and finding out more about him and seeing where this goes. I'm not the best at being patient. This suspense is positively killing me.... :) Wish me luck and say a prayer.
In other news, Monkey got his first haircut... It's taken me a whole minute not to absolutely hate it and resent my mother but the time for fury has passed and I am MUCH calmer. Let me explain.
As we were coming home from the wedding in Houston, my throat started to feel very sore and achy. The next morning, I took myself to the doctor where they confirmed that I had Strep Throat, again...for the SECOND time this month. I got some more antibiotics and some cough syrup with codeine in it. I went home, dosed myself with my prescriptions and fell asleep on the love seat for a nap. 4 hours later I got up and took my butt to bed. Mom gave Monkey a bath and cleaned him up. (A 4 hour nap is NOT normal for me. When I have something like Strep, mom and dad usually step up to the plate and help take care of Monkey. As much as it pains me to do it, I try and stay away from Monkey and have as little contact with him as possible. We got lucky both times I have had Strep that he did not contract it. The Lord works in mysterious ways...) Well, after his bath, she said he was sitting there being so good so she took that opportunity to cut his hair.
Meanwhile, as I said, I was feeling like this:
and laid up in bed, trying to break my fever (and we all know how fun THAT can be), and thinking the world was coming to and end it was starting with my throat. The next morning I got up and went to the kitchen to make Monkey a sippy cup...when I came back, I realized his hair was cut. I was FEE-YORIOUS!!! I could not believe my mother had done such a thing, such a BIG thing as a first haircut, without me present. In her defense, I did tell her that I wanted her to cut his, a month and a half ago!!!!! Since then I have decided that maybe I only wanted it trimmed since winter is getting here and I wanted him to have a little more hair on his head for warmth. UGH!!!! She didn't know that part. But still. I wanted to be there. And the SHOCK of seeing him without all those curls made my stomach lurch a bit. Now, he is beginning to look a little more like my Monkey in my mind's eye. Just taking the curls off dramatically changed his look. But I love him either way and am almost, ALMOST, relieved it's just over with. It was seriously stressing me out knowing he needed a haircut and me not being able to bring myself to get him one. LOL
How is everyone doing? Hope all is well!
I carry a mirror (the purple thing under the Ammo palette), Urban Decay Ammo, that's a Mary Kay quad compact (with Optic, Tulle, Snap, and Trendsetter), Bare Escentuals Mineral Veil, Bare Escentuals Mineral Foundation in medium, Bare Escentuals face duo. There's some Loreal Studio Secrets "face fixer" as I like to call it, in green, because green concealer tones down redness. A sample size of Benefit Garden of Good & Eva perfume (I like it), Clinique High Impact mascara and Loreal Voluminous mascara. Between the two I have decided that I will always be a fan of Clinique's WAY more than Loreal's. Brushes... A sharpener with a ponytail holder around it 'cause if that thing comes open in your bag it is a high holy mess... Nail clippers. Clinique lipstick in Raspberry Glace. NYX glosses in Brilliant (pink one) and Chestnut. Urban Decay Primer Potion in Eden (love this stuff!!!), ULTA brand eye shadows in Yogurt and Twinkle, MAC eye shadows in Swiss Chocolate and Nehru, tweezers for that unruly brow... Garnier Anti-Puff Eye Roller for those REALLY bad mornings. LOL Eyeliners: Clinique's Cream Shaper in Chocolate Lustre ** this is credited to Mrs. Adventure as she got me hooked on this one!!** and Urban Decay's 24/7 Glide On Eye Pencil in Zero. LOVE that liner!!! Last but not least, MAC lip pencil in Spice.
This is constantly changing but that's the concoction today. :)
Now, the flavor of love has many possibilities. Mine is currently in a state of vanilla. Kinda boring and a little dull. I have told y'all that I joined eHarmony. It's going ok. Most recently I have been corresponding with a guy who lives in Floresville. He's only got one picture up on his profile but it's a good one and he's attractive. This week we have sent a few messages back and forth and I like what I read. I sent him two lengthy replies recently and haven't heard back from him yet...probably thinks I'm Miss Run-My-Face-All-The-Time...LOL. I can be I suppose. I'm just as content just breathing though. I'm always super anxious to hear from him. He's had family staying with him this week through today so maybe our conversations will pick up some. Pssh! Who knows. All I know is that I am very interested in him and finding out more about him and seeing where this goes. I'm not the best at being patient. This suspense is positively killing me.... :) Wish me luck and say a prayer.
In other news, Monkey got his first haircut... It's taken me a whole minute not to absolutely hate it and resent my mother but the time for fury has passed and I am MUCH calmer. Let me explain.
As we were coming home from the wedding in Houston, my throat started to feel very sore and achy. The next morning, I took myself to the doctor where they confirmed that I had Strep Throat, again...for the SECOND time this month. I got some more antibiotics and some cough syrup with codeine in it. I went home, dosed myself with my prescriptions and fell asleep on the love seat for a nap. 4 hours later I got up and took my butt to bed. Mom gave Monkey a bath and cleaned him up. (A 4 hour nap is NOT normal for me. When I have something like Strep, mom and dad usually step up to the plate and help take care of Monkey. As much as it pains me to do it, I try and stay away from Monkey and have as little contact with him as possible. We got lucky both times I have had Strep that he did not contract it. The Lord works in mysterious ways...) Well, after his bath, she said he was sitting there being so good so she took that opportunity to cut his hair.
Meanwhile, as I said, I was feeling like this:
and laid up in bed, trying to break my fever (and we all know how fun THAT can be), and thinking the world was coming to and end it was starting with my throat. The next morning I got up and went to the kitchen to make Monkey a sippy cup...when I came back, I realized his hair was cut. I was FEE-YORIOUS!!! I could not believe my mother had done such a thing, such a BIG thing as a first haircut, without me present. In her defense, I did tell her that I wanted her to cut his, a month and a half ago!!!!! Since then I have decided that maybe I only wanted it trimmed since winter is getting here and I wanted him to have a little more hair on his head for warmth. UGH!!!! She didn't know that part. But still. I wanted to be there. And the SHOCK of seeing him without all those curls made my stomach lurch a bit. Now, he is beginning to look a little more like my Monkey in my mind's eye. Just taking the curls off dramatically changed his look. But I love him either way and am almost, ALMOST, relieved it's just over with. It was seriously stressing me out knowing he needed a haircut and me not being able to bring myself to get him one. LOL
How is everyone doing? Hope all is well!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
What's in that bag?
So, I found out that I will be able to attend a wedding for my cousin in Houston this weekend. And that means that I will get to see my lovely friend Mrs. Adventure again!! Can't wait!!
Today I have decided to do a "What's in the bag?" post. I am always so interested in other people and what their lives are like and even right down to what is hidden in that purse of hers. What's her secret? What MUST she have in her purse in order to feel comfortable about leaving her home or office? Is it a shit vortex like mine? So, I am going to reveal what is currently (and some of this is not usually in there) in my bag o' tricks. I'll also break out my make up bag and reveal that too... But before I do that, I recently dished to y'all about being infatuated with colored shadows and finding Marlena at Make Up Geek. I have the Urban Decay Ammo palette, but yesterday I purchased the Show Pony palette...I was really diggin' on the purple color "Flash"...
Now, on to the bag: Avon had a special bag a while back called the "Butler Bag". It went a little something like this...
I bought one...and this one is mine:
Now, in this bag, there is a ton of crap. Today especially because as stated before, it is a shit vortex. I shove everything in there and eventually when I get flustered enough about carrying around a ton of crap...I clean it out and remove the unnecessary junk. Do I like this bag? Yes. Sometimes. Well, maybe. I'll show you why.
Here are pictures of EVERYTHING that was in my bag:
This is the top view. It actually has compartments in the bottom of the bag to organize smaller items. Bigger items just have to sit on top... eh. Whatever. Again, some of these things were just thrown (literally) in there this morning.
Yes. Those are chopsticks on the far left. (I read somewhere that if you eat with chopsticks that it slows you down and your tummy can actually keep up and tell you when it's full better than if you were using a fork as a slatted shovel into your bottomless pit of a stomach.) Checkbook and pen, VIA vanilla flavored coffee, a sample of Johnson and Johnson's Soothing Naturals lotion, contact case, Bluetooth thingy, scrunchie, clip, and ponytail holder (ya never know which one you're gonna need, bluetooth charger (I threw it in there when I was traveling last weekend and never took it will stay until my return from Houston on Monday. LOL). The thing that looks like it plugs into a wall actually does because it's a converter for my USB cable that charges my phone...aaaaand the car charger (that needs to be put back in my car).
This proves my love for Burt's Bees lip balm. Shown here are three of them: Rejuvenating with Acai Berry, Replenishing with Pomegranate Oil, and Sun Protecting with Passion fruit (SPF 8). A Covergirl compact for minor oil control, Kim Kardashian trial size perfume (it's ok), my watch that I forgot to put on this morning..., A+ Card brochure, McDonald's Monopoly game thingy and a pamphlet on the Feral Hog (don't ask). Clinique lip gloss in Fireberry, iPod, travel size brush, Equate Ibuprofen, Deo for the B.O., my planner, a book by the name of The Long Walk Home by Will North (I don't know what it's about. I haven't started it yet.) and my little Vera Bradley pouch thingy that I just HAD to have but have no use for it. I kinda do. Sometimes I put my phone in there to help protect it if I'm not going to be paying to much attention to it.
Inside that little Burt's Bees yellow bag is discretely hidden girl stuff. I will not elaborate on this. LOL Glasses case, camera (Kodak EasyShare M340), my charging cable for my phone, sliced green apple in a Ziploc (I needed something to snack on later), a Scentsy catalog and order form, and my wallet. (Not pictured is my Victoria's Secret Body Splash in Forever Romance...if you look carefully in the second picture, it's in there. Where's Waldo? LOL)
THAT, ladies and gents, is what is in my back of tricks. My bag of miracles (aka the make up bag) will have to wait. I have to get back to working... Ew.
Mr. G is a frustratingly difficult man at times. I just had to say that. I have yet to meet him face to face but I will say this: he has grown on me. I miss him when he and I don't text for several days but when we do, he without a doubt, always finds a way to frustrate the crap out of me... I don't know what that means. He is boring and interesting all rolled into an package I haven't met yet. So strange.
Today I have decided to do a "What's in the bag?" post. I am always so interested in other people and what their lives are like and even right down to what is hidden in that purse of hers. What's her secret? What MUST she have in her purse in order to feel comfortable about leaving her home or office? Is it a shit vortex like mine? So, I am going to reveal what is currently (and some of this is not usually in there) in my bag o' tricks. I'll also break out my make up bag and reveal that too... But before I do that, I recently dished to y'all about being infatuated with colored shadows and finding Marlena at Make Up Geek. I have the Urban Decay Ammo palette, but yesterday I purchased the Show Pony palette...I was really diggin' on the purple color "Flash"...
Now, on to the bag: Avon had a special bag a while back called the "Butler Bag". It went a little something like this...
I bought one...and this one is mine:
Now, in this bag, there is a ton of crap. Today especially because as stated before, it is a shit vortex. I shove everything in there and eventually when I get flustered enough about carrying around a ton of crap...I clean it out and remove the unnecessary junk. Do I like this bag? Yes. Sometimes. Well, maybe. I'll show you why.
Here are pictures of EVERYTHING that was in my bag:
This is the top view. It actually has compartments in the bottom of the bag to organize smaller items. Bigger items just have to sit on top... eh. Whatever. Again, some of these things were just thrown (literally) in there this morning.
Yes. Those are chopsticks on the far left. (I read somewhere that if you eat with chopsticks that it slows you down and your tummy can actually keep up and tell you when it's full better than if you were using a fork as a slatted shovel into your bottomless pit of a stomach.) Checkbook and pen, VIA vanilla flavored coffee, a sample of Johnson and Johnson's Soothing Naturals lotion, contact case, Bluetooth thingy, scrunchie, clip, and ponytail holder (ya never know which one you're gonna need, bluetooth charger (I threw it in there when I was traveling last weekend and never took it will stay until my return from Houston on Monday. LOL). The thing that looks like it plugs into a wall actually does because it's a converter for my USB cable that charges my phone...aaaaand the car charger (that needs to be put back in my car).
This proves my love for Burt's Bees lip balm. Shown here are three of them: Rejuvenating with Acai Berry, Replenishing with Pomegranate Oil, and Sun Protecting with Passion fruit (SPF 8). A Covergirl compact for minor oil control, Kim Kardashian trial size perfume (it's ok), my watch that I forgot to put on this morning..., A+ Card brochure, McDonald's Monopoly game thingy and a pamphlet on the Feral Hog (don't ask). Clinique lip gloss in Fireberry, iPod, travel size brush, Equate Ibuprofen, Deo for the B.O., my planner, a book by the name of The Long Walk Home by Will North (I don't know what it's about. I haven't started it yet.) and my little Vera Bradley pouch thingy that I just HAD to have but have no use for it. I kinda do. Sometimes I put my phone in there to help protect it if I'm not going to be paying to much attention to it.
Inside that little Burt's Bees yellow bag is discretely hidden girl stuff. I will not elaborate on this. LOL Glasses case, camera (Kodak EasyShare M340), my charging cable for my phone, sliced green apple in a Ziploc (I needed something to snack on later), a Scentsy catalog and order form, and my wallet. (Not pictured is my Victoria's Secret Body Splash in Forever Romance...if you look carefully in the second picture, it's in there. Where's Waldo? LOL)
THAT, ladies and gents, is what is in my back of tricks. My bag of miracles (aka the make up bag) will have to wait. I have to get back to working... Ew.
Mr. G is a frustratingly difficult man at times. I just had to say that. I have yet to meet him face to face but I will say this: he has grown on me. I miss him when he and I don't text for several days but when we do, he without a doubt, always finds a way to frustrate the crap out of me... I don't know what that means. He is boring and interesting all rolled into an package I haven't met yet. So strange.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
To be or not to be ...girly!

SOOOOO many things have happened lately and I really don't know where to start.
Monkey bites: It has become a big deal for me to pick up Monkey from daycare and receive a clean bill of daily activity. In less than a month he was bitten 5 times at daycare by one of the many cannibalistic pirhannas in his class. At 18 months, he moved from the nursery to the toddler room. And those brats obviously do not have good parental instruction at home if they are not receiving a punishment that is sufficiently deterring them from snacking on my child. It is frustrating and I have made it known that I am NOT happy about this. The girls in that room do not want to be the one who has me sign the accident report after telling me he was bitten (again) and I prefer it that way. That tells me that they know there is a problem and that I will not receive that news well. Other than that, I will be glad when they can move back to the actual daycare center and into their new and improved room as it will be bigger and will have a window and a restroom for potty training purposes. NICE. (The DC center took 2 feet of water during a flash flood this season and it is currently under construction to fix the damage and make much needed, and forever wanted, improvements.) We're all pretty excited about it and anxious to get back to normal. We've had a few days of no bites. Let's see how long we can keep the cannibals at bay...
My office: I recently moved my office around so as to maximize the space that I have. I really need paint. My walls are gross and were that way when I moved in here. I am ordering it today along with a roller kit and a paint brush to that I can do it right. There's nothing worse than a sloppy paint job...
Getting fed up: Lately, I have been on this "If you don't want me in your life, I will not fight to be there." And this was really brought on by making attempts to stay in touch with people and them not reciprocating by even so much as a "Hey, I got your message but I am like, super busy with life right now and when it calms down, I will get back to you" or a "Hey, I'm glad you got a hold of me...this is what life is dealing me right now (because I care about what goes on in my friends' lives) and I'm sorry for not staying in better touch.." Either one of those answers would be acceptable to me, the one who is making an attempt to stay in touch, and would have quieted the feeling of being ignored. However, this has not been the case with several people in my life and I'm tired of it. So, as it so happens, I turned 30 recently and am turning the page and beginning a new chapter in life. I refuse to fight to be in peoples lives anymore. If you don't want me there...Cool. Deuces. But I'll be deleting these people from my Facebook and whatnot. Part of getting rid of all the negativity.
And last but not least Being GIRLY!!: I have always loved makeup. ALWAYS. And for the most part, have always been a failure at it. UNTIL I found Make Up Geek. Seriously. The receptionist at the salon that I go to for my waxing always has impeccable makeup. It's perfect. So I asked her one day where she learned to put her makeup on and she told me YouTube. I was like, "what?". And she said that everything she knows about makeup she learned from Make Up Geek. I had to check it out. Marlena, tells you how and SHOWS you how to do it all. Smokey eye is one of my faves and I never knew how to do it but I do NOW!!!! LOL And I never knew what to do with screaming bold colors but now that I know, it inspired me to buy myself this little baby:
This picture really doesn't do the colors justice but it's the Urban Decay Ammo (the Marine in me loves this!) pallette and absolutely gorgeous to wear. I really want this baby or it's sister...
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Since I loved the movie and these colors are fantastic!!! |
Thursday, September 30, 2010
I'm addicted...
To these awesome and yummy holiday teas provided for my yummy pleasure each holiday season by Celestial Seasonings. I'm diggin' me some Sugar Plum Spice and some Gingerbread Spice as seen here:
But I am on a desperate search for Nutcracker Sweet...I had it a few years ago and haven't been able to find it since. Figures. Everything that I like, they discontinue. If you find this:
If you see this product, immediately buy a palette of it and have it shipped DIRECTLY to my home of residence. Thank you, in advance, for your support and all your help.
But I am on a desperate search for Nutcracker Sweet...I had it a few years ago and haven't been able to find it since. Figures. Everything that I like, they discontinue. If you find this:
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Old packaging style... |
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Using age progression imaging, tea may look something like this... |
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The Dating Game.
Most of you know that I have some crappy luck with guys and the outcome is never good. I am, sad to say, always the one who is betrayed, lied to, cheated on, and abandoned. I'm tired of being a victim wallowing in my own misery and self-pity because that just makes me bitter. And if it's two things people really don't like, it's a bitch and a bitter bitch. I don't want to be either. Been there, done that.
Recently, I joined eHarmony.
It's the dating site that matches you with other people based on a 29 dimension personality profile kind of thing. Within a weeks time, they matched me with 80+ men. Once you are "matched" it's up to the two of you to communicate with one another. They have what's called "Guided Communication" which is started by either person sending 5 questions for the other person to answer. You choose these from a list of pre-selected questions. There is a wide range of these questions.
**As a matter of fact they just matched me with a man named Fred in Austin...I went to his profile and WOW. Aside from being a self-professed romantic who also watches football, a single father (SU-WEET!! That means he understands the demands on a personal life that children can make...), family oriented, 8 years my senior (hey, don't judge...I'd rather date a 45 year old who treated me right than someone my own age who wouldn't...he's not 45.), likes comedies and romantic comedies (YEA! No fighting over me "owing" him a horror flick for dragging him to a romantic comedy!), sounds like he's just an all around great guy, and (enter shallow comment here in 5, 4, 3,2, and...) he has a very (read: VERY) nice smile and kind eyes. Ok, so maybe that's not "shallow" but in addition to being attracted to someone intellectually, I believe that you must also be attracted to them physically in order for things to work out. Some people's opinions may differ from that...buuuuut. Hopefully I hear back from him. By what he has indicated on his profile, he is a "hopeful". As in I am "hopeful" that he responds and things go well. :) *fingers crossed*
If you send first, the other person answers (or in some cases doesn't) and sends you 5 of their choosing. If you so choose to answer, you do so and send them a list that you have already made of "Can't Stands and Must Haves". These are 10 things in each category that you can't stand in other people (i.e. rudeness, cockiness, ill-manners, belligerence, illegal drug use, etc...) and that you must have (i.e. affectionate, caring, selfless, acceptance of your children, kindness, etc...). If they are still interested, they send you theirs. At this point, you send them a list of 3 more questions. This time they are "free speak" answers as in your own words. The 5 initial questions are multiple choice with an option to answer in your own words. These last 3 are solely in your own words. Again, if still interested, they will send you 3 questions back. After this third step, the next step is to "free speak email". None of your personal information is ever revealed to your matches. Your personal email and phone number are kept secret unless you personally give your match this info. (I like this.) Now, you are free to talk about anything and everything under the sun. In the beginning of the communication process you also have the option to skip right to this last step but I prefer to do the guided thing. You also have the option to "close" the match and this can be helpful if you run across a rude, sexually harassing kind of person or someone you are generally not interested in. It closes off any future attempts for communication.
Why eHarmony you ask? Well,...I've met guys in bars, I've met them at work, I've met them through friends,...and nothing has worked. I am an asshole magnet according to what my dad said once. LOL And I heard a statistic somewhere that 1 in 5 relationships these days is started online. One of my best friends is one of those statistics and they are married today and have been for 7 years or so now. So, why not? You never know. My Knight In Shining Armor may be waiting on eHarmony. I figure I'll give it a shot. They say that on average, members are on here for 3 months or longer before you find the one. It's been like, a week. So, we'll see how it goes. I'll keep y'all updated on the goings on.
For those of you interested in super cute and economical decoration ideas for the impending Halloween, head on over to Mrs. Adventure's blog. Yea!!!
Recently, I joined eHarmony.
It's the dating site that matches you with other people based on a 29 dimension personality profile kind of thing. Within a weeks time, they matched me with 80+ men. Once you are "matched" it's up to the two of you to communicate with one another. They have what's called "Guided Communication" which is started by either person sending 5 questions for the other person to answer. You choose these from a list of pre-selected questions. There is a wide range of these questions.
**As a matter of fact they just matched me with a man named Fred in Austin...I went to his profile and WOW. Aside from being a self-professed romantic who also watches football, a single father (SU-WEET!! That means he understands the demands on a personal life that children can make...), family oriented, 8 years my senior (hey, don't judge...I'd rather date a 45 year old who treated me right than someone my own age who wouldn't...he's not 45.), likes comedies and romantic comedies (YEA! No fighting over me "owing" him a horror flick for dragging him to a romantic comedy!), sounds like he's just an all around great guy, and (enter shallow comment here in 5, 4, 3,2, and...) he has a very (read: VERY) nice smile and kind eyes. Ok, so maybe that's not "shallow" but in addition to being attracted to someone intellectually, I believe that you must also be attracted to them physically in order for things to work out. Some people's opinions may differ from that...buuuuut. Hopefully I hear back from him. By what he has indicated on his profile, he is a "hopeful". As in I am "hopeful" that he responds and things go well. :) *fingers crossed*
If you send first, the other person answers (or in some cases doesn't) and sends you 5 of their choosing. If you so choose to answer, you do so and send them a list that you have already made of "Can't Stands and Must Haves". These are 10 things in each category that you can't stand in other people (i.e. rudeness, cockiness, ill-manners, belligerence, illegal drug use, etc...) and that you must have (i.e. affectionate, caring, selfless, acceptance of your children, kindness, etc...). If they are still interested, they send you theirs. At this point, you send them a list of 3 more questions. This time they are "free speak" answers as in your own words. The 5 initial questions are multiple choice with an option to answer in your own words. These last 3 are solely in your own words. Again, if still interested, they will send you 3 questions back. After this third step, the next step is to "free speak email". None of your personal information is ever revealed to your matches. Your personal email and phone number are kept secret unless you personally give your match this info. (I like this.) Now, you are free to talk about anything and everything under the sun. In the beginning of the communication process you also have the option to skip right to this last step but I prefer to do the guided thing. You also have the option to "close" the match and this can be helpful if you run across a rude, sexually harassing kind of person or someone you are generally not interested in. It closes off any future attempts for communication.
Why eHarmony you ask? Well,...I've met guys in bars, I've met them at work, I've met them through friends,...and nothing has worked. I am an asshole magnet according to what my dad said once. LOL And I heard a statistic somewhere that 1 in 5 relationships these days is started online. One of my best friends is one of those statistics and they are married today and have been for 7 years or so now. So, why not? You never know. My Knight In Shining Armor may be waiting on eHarmony. I figure I'll give it a shot. They say that on average, members are on here for 3 months or longer before you find the one. It's been like, a week. So, we'll see how it goes. I'll keep y'all updated on the goings on.
For those of you interested in super cute and economical decoration ideas for the impending Halloween, head on over to Mrs. Adventure's blog. Yea!!!
Hope y'all have a wonderful day! Thanks for reading!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Shepard's Pie
OK...I think this is gonna be a short one though knowing me and how long winded I can be...
And WHAT is up with THIS crap:
Enough of her... So, Kim Kardashian is gorgeous. We all know that.
So lately I've been wanting to get a whiff of Kim Kardashian's new fragrance. Unfortunately I am no where near a Sephora to get to it. I don't do much getting out for personal shopping trips so to find it, and smell it, are goals I have yet to achieve. But I must smell WILL happen. Here is what I am after:
First off, Lady Gaga has lost a lot of respect from me (not that she had very much to begin with) with her disgusting display of lack of "keeping cool" skills the other day when she went on a screaming rant about the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy. Um, did YOU ever serve this country? No. You didn't. So how in the HELL would you know what it's like to serve with someone who is of the same sex and sexually harassing you? Or trying to lay down cover fire for you team mates and being distracted by the fact that the guy next to you just hit on you 30 minutes ago? I've known gay men and lesbian women and have been acquaintances with both. I am straight. I do not agree with homosexuality nor do I like it, but if that is your preference, fine. Just don't throw it in my face and we can be cool. The military is predominantly a male military. In 2006, the total DOD (Department of Defense) female members was 14.6%. The Air Force had the highest percent of female members at 20.3% and the Marine Corps (in which I served for 5 years) was the lowest with 6%. It's my opinion that men (especially those who must live, work, sleep, and attempt to stay alive) while maintaining close contact with members of the same sex. There are some infantry jobs that require 2 men to operate particular weapons where one lays behind the weapon (it's a large caliber gun) and the other has to overlap the first guy by placing one of his legs over one of the gunner's. I think it's pretty safe to say that I don't think the gunner wants or needs to feel the other guys boner against his leg while trying to concentrate on the task of keeping them alive by focusing on what's in front of him. I think he would rather know that his straight buddy has his leg over his own out of necessity and neither of them thinks anything sexual of it. But that knowledge of the shooting positions required for particular weaponry would only come from personal experience in the military. Regardless, everyone has their own opinions on this particular issue and those are mine. Lady Gaga, in my opinion, made a fool or herself getting extremely animated and screaming into a microphone like a child instead of conveying her opinions in a calm and collected (read: respectable) manner. Disgusting. She should stick to singing.
This particular one irritates the shit outta me... |
Enough of her... So, Kim Kardashian is gorgeous. We all know that.
So lately I've been wanting to get a whiff of Kim Kardashian's new fragrance. Unfortunately I am no where near a Sephora to get to it. I don't do much getting out for personal shopping trips so to find it, and smell it, are goals I have yet to achieve. But I must smell WILL happen. Here is what I am after:
Fragrance Notes: Jasmine, Tuberose, Gardenia, Jacaranda Wood, Sandalwood, Tonka Bean
ANYWHOOOOOO, since I have only been gifted jewelry twice from a significant other, and my tastes in jewelry are relatively simple, I have decided to gift myself. I like James Avery jewelry and have wanted a necklace for quite some time for everyday wear. I used to wear necklaces all the time and stopped when we couldn't wear them in uniform (unless they were tucked into our undershirts) while I was in the Marines. While getting back in touch with my feminine side, I have decided to expand my collection of costume jewelry to include that of quality, too. There are several pendants that I like as well as chain types. What do y'all think?
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Fluer de Lis |
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Key of Faith |
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Open Adorned Heart |
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Stylized Scroll |
Mother's Love |
(Wow. Y'all have no idea what a pain in the butt those pictures just were...)
I went up to Ft. Worth this past weekend to visit some friends that are married. It was nice to see them and have some fun. Monkey did surprisingly well and both friends said he a well behaved child for being only a year and a half. I told them it's because he knows his mama's a ninja and she don't take no shit. LOL I thanked them. Unfortunately, on the way back, about an hour north of home still, Monkey puked all over himself. The poor baby. He has allergies and was pretty congested because as good a mom as I try to be, my ass walked out of the house without the children's Claritin (yes, his doctor knows and also suggested that we use it to combat his allergies...he only gets a partial of the recommended dose for older children) the day before. So, my best guess is that his tummy wasn't feeling good after being so congested that it gagged him and that was the end result. I felt bad because we were still an hour from home. I cleaned him up the best I could but if you're a parent, you know how it is. Tonight I've got to clean the straps of his car seat and make them not stink. Leave it to me to buy the only car seat I know of that you can't take the straps off of to clean... Retard. LOL
Other than that...stay tuned for the next episode as Gracie finds out what eHarmony is all about...
p.s. maybe not so short...
Thursday, September 23, 2010
If only...
If only a lot of things right now actually. I wish that my phone got better reception in my office because it temps me to make it very familiar with the wall when I can't get what I need to show up!! UGH!!! I need a hair trim and a dye job like, baaaaad. LOL It's aweful how much of my head is freakin' gray already. I turn 30 next month and though I welcome my 30s with wide spread open arms...I'll bet if I quit dying my hair (which I've done since I was 21) I'd add 10 years to my looks. No shit. I'm serious. It's genetics. Freakin' genetics. My mother started graying at 18. Me? Got my first one when I was 16. Uh, yeah. Helloooo? How cruel is THAT!! I was pissed! PISSED, I tell you! Anywho, I need to get my "her did". LOL
I have NO earthly clue WHERE in the HELL my Crystal Avalanche MAC eyeshadow is...been missing for a whole minute though...gonna have to purchase another. Bugger. It was brand spanking new too...
Mrs. Adventure has graciously agreed to humor my artistic need for a particular painting...seen below:
I saw it on ETSY and it was being sold for way more than I could afford but I happen to know that Mrs. Adventure likes painting (and one of these days when she's not looking, I'm gonna swipe the one she did that hangs over her bed as seen here...though I think if I asked her, she'd probably paint one just like it for me. Note to self: ask for the birdie painting) and I figured that since she is on this never ending hunt for things artsy-fartsy to do, this would be a great thing to do!! I am in no way, shape, or form artistically inclined. Not. At. All. I have brief spurts or artistic creativity but then my crayon breaks and I throw a fit...
On with the other news...
I've decided to give eHarmony a shot. What the hell, right? So far, they've slapped me with over 80 matches...did anyone else just say HOLY CRAP?
I have NO earthly clue WHERE in the HELL my Crystal Avalanche MAC eyeshadow is...been missing for a whole minute though...gonna have to purchase another. Bugger. It was brand spanking new too...
Mrs. Adventure has graciously agreed to humor my artistic need for a particular painting...seen below:
I saw it on ETSY and it was being sold for way more than I could afford but I happen to know that Mrs. Adventure likes painting (and one of these days when she's not looking, I'm gonna swipe the one she did that hangs over her bed as seen here...though I think if I asked her, she'd probably paint one just like it for me. Note to self: ask for the birdie painting) and I figured that since she is on this never ending hunt for things artsy-fartsy to do, this would be a great thing to do!! I am in no way, shape, or form artistically inclined. Not. At. All. I have brief spurts or artistic creativity but then my crayon breaks and I throw a fit...
On with the other news...
I've decided to give eHarmony a shot. What the hell, right? So far, they've slapped me with over 80 matches...did anyone else just say HOLY CRAP?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
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